When you’re visiting a California-class planet like Risa, you definitely need to bring along a few things. You’ll want to pack sunscreen, a surprisingly modest swimsuit, a hoverboard, and a social media blocker so your friends in the spaceship up there can’t take embarrassing photos of your sunbathing while they fly by on “planetary survey” runs.
Hikari seems to be soaking up the atmosphere here in Star Trek Online: “Sometimes, when you’re taking a shot of a new ship or outfit… sacrifices must be made.”
I think a massive “grats!” are in order for Skoryy, who has made the most expensive and best-sounding musical instrument in Guild Wars 2’s history.
“A bit late, but boy do I have a screenshot ready,” Skoryy posted. “Because someone finally cashed in all his banked gifts and gold and made another legendary! Just in time to learn how to harp for the holidays.”
Harp for the Holidays totally sounds like one of those old vinyl albums you’d dust off at a Salvation Army, doesn’t it?
Who says World of Warcraft Classic can’t be beautiful? Oh. That was me. Guess I’ll need to eat my words a bit, because Hurbster’s shot of the start of the Wetlands Death Run captured a beautiful mix of hues and shadows.
Koshelkin takes us on a ride over the hills of Black Desert to see what lies just beyond: “I decided to go back to BDO and spent some time on leveling alts. The game welcomed me with this vista. What a beautiful game!”
“Sometimes the screenshots of Lord of the Rings Online look just like a Caspar David Friedrich painting,” said Michael19. (He used to be Michael18 but I leveled him up.) “This here is probably my favorite of all the screenshots I’ve ever made in any game.”
Deekay took a bullet for us by heading into Legends of Aria: “Here’s a shot of the first time I saw someone’s pet dragon in town. These are mobs in game that tamers can walk up to and wave their crooks repeatedly and insistently to subdue them into life-long servitude as their pets. Ain’t that neat?”
I try that every day on my coworkers. Hasn’t worked yet.
For this week’s screenshot challenge, we’ll be looking at the theme of “fire.” Whether it’s a campfire, a fireball spell, or a wall of roaring flames, share something burning and wonderful with us!