Global Chat: Amazing quality-of-life MMO mechanics


Little things can mean a whole lot, especially if they impact your gameplay for the better. MMO blogger Contains Moderate Peril wrote a list of five quality-of-life features that he’s loved in his games.

“I feel that Guild Wars 2 handles this mechanic the best, insofar as every player has the ability to revive another,” he noted. “As it is a game with wide expansive zones and dynamic events it makes sense to have this common skill. When a player is defeated and in a ‘downed’ state, they can either retreat to a nearby waypoint, or be resurrected by one or many players.”

Read on for more MMO essays, including the fear of missing out, change management, and looking forward to the future!

Tales of the Aggronaut: 2021 Looking Forward

“We talked about this in the games of the year show over the weekend, but PSO2 is a great game… but it also very much feels like you are playing a ten year old game. New Genesis excites me greatly because what I really want is a PSO2 that feels fresh and new.”

Ace Asunder: FOMO… let it go

“I do not enjoy being at the mercy of my fears and so I have worked really hard to change my mindset in 2020. It was out of necessity because FOMO was – to be blunt – making me a miserable bitch who couldn’t stop feeling lost, jealous, anxious and alone in the crowds always seemingly passing me by.”

Kaylriene: Shadowlands and change management

“Blizzard’s change management strategy has always been sort of hit or miss, and while I do think they can fix some aspects of that on their own, there is a lot of challenge to communicating with a playerbase as diverse and spread as WoW.”

Everwake’s Internet Adventures: Bless Unleashed closed beta impressions

“It’s definitely a console-oriented MMO and the controls are a bit clunky because of that. But not overly so. It could use some fine tuning here and there. Picking out teleport spots on the map is sometimes difficult because icons overlap each other. The text speed on NPCs is slow and the skip dialogue button often doesn’t work. Mob audio seems to stack on each other without any blending, meaning that busy parts of the zone were so loud I had to turn down my speakers. But I can’t recall any graphical glitches and nothing was particularly game breaking.”

MMO Juggler: Elder Scrolls Online’s Stonefalls

“So I’m leveling up, following the zone guide, which is fantastic. Open it up holding X (I play ESO using a controller, even on Stadia/PC), peruse the various categories, and hit X to keep exploring. What this does is select the next item in an unfinished category and highlights the general vicinity.”

Gamer Reverie: Learning LOTRO — Festivals

“What better follow-up to this morning’s first entry about special events than with one about the biggest and best events in Lord of the Rings Online? Festivals! In this entry I’ll talk about the festivals that run for several weeks at a time and bring out the best of their seasons!”

Every day there are tons of terrific, insightful, and unusual articles posted across the MMO gaming blogosphere — and every day, Justin reads as many as he can. Global Chat is a sampling of noteworthy essays, rants, and guides from the past few weeks of MMO discourse.
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