On April 19th, Blizzard is going to reveal the plans for the next expansion for World of Warcraft. But it doesn’t seem that the team expects that to be out any time soon, as it’s already revealed plans for a fourth season of item level grinding with a new M+ rotation that includes dungeons from all four of the last expansions (Legion, Warlords of Draenor, Shadowlands, and Battle for Azeroth) and new modifiers for raids to make every raid relevant in the next season. Players are already responding to the announcement chiefly by noting it tacitly states there will be no expansion this year.
Beleaguered sighs are not required but also are not discouraged.
Meanwhile, the next phase of content for The Burning Crusade Classic is out now, complete with Zul’aman to be run and a removal of attunements for the Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. Heroic dungeons have also been adjusted to their “final” state (that is, with all tuning changes expected from patch 2.4.3). It’s worth checking out if you’re still enjoying the slice of nostalgia.