Legend goes that if you listen carefully for the thump-thump-thump of its padded feet… if you look for the bright splashes of color hidden in tall grass… if you sniff the air for the delectable aroma of nougat… you may find the Easter bunny and keep him all to yourself.
Also, spoiler, it lives in Final Fantasy XIV. Ask Vincent, who befriended the magical rabbit and got three candy-coated wishes in return. Rumor is that there’s a mound of Peeps somewhere that dwarfs the sun because of Wish #2.
Minimalistway cried “SANCTUARY!” and ended up taking refuge in this colorful place: “In Elder Scrolls Online I found a church and went inside to see this beautiful place.”
In my opinion, every building in a game is made better by stained glass. I used to deck out all of my WildStar homes with it.
While some religions are practiced in cathedrals, others take place on dusty fields over ashen fires and wee beastie entrails. Hikari got ready to bring forth dark forces in Conan Exiles: “Played around with (and got hit with the effects of) Sorcery in preparation for MJ’s stream.”
MOP’s own Bree went on a screenshot extravaganza in Lord of the Rings Online when a certain moment happened in the Battle of Pelennor fields. No spoilers here, but Eowyn is no man — and she’s more than a little miffed you just killed her uncle.
Bringing us home — and maybe bringing us down — is Utakata’s glimpse into a “rose-tinted apocalypse” in Blade and Soul. You’d think that fantasy realms would be years away from chemical warfare, but the truth is that they discovered dark uses for essential oils years ago.
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