For our headlining picture this week, we spy Hirku Two creeping around the Cogs in Dungeons and Dragons Online. While I applaud the use of silhouette to create a stark contrast, I have to express some worry about shuffling right next to a giant waterfall of liquid hot flowing magma.
I mean, maybe all of the safety protocols for this workplace are being observed, but I could easily envision this ending up in a well-roasted juicy Rogue with a hint of rosemary and thyme. Be careful out there, is all I’m saying!
Gotham City and Metropolis both will never be the same again now that Utakata is here to clean up crime and/or commit it in DC Universe Online.
“Fear the Pink Dragon: Teen Titan style!” comes the cry before bolts of lighting, several angry and confused cats, and a half-eaten Ted’s hot dog comes raining down from the sky.
Minimalistway met the absolute best doggo of all in World of Warcraft: “This is a spoiler for a side quest in Ohn’ahran Plains. Taivan pulling a centaur from a burning building.”
Good pic! Good pic! Sit! Stay! Let the readers admire you!
Going back to our theme of putting your body at mortal risk for that scenic selfie is Jilano hanging out at unsupervised heights in Black Desert’s latest expansion.
“The Land of the Morning Light has so many great areas. I highly recommend giving it a go, even if just for the lore and eye candy (the area is accessible even with a new character).”
Honest to Betsy, I actually saw a teen girl walking down the street the other day holding a parasol. I nearly pulled the car off the road to get out and applaud her style.
But I can just applaud Vincent instead, who’s rocking the same look in Final Fantasy XIV: “My Hyur Highlander seems to be sticking around for awhile. Now if I could just settle on a hairstyle/colour.”
Hope y’all are having a great summer of gaming! While you’re out there being amazing, why not take a picture or two and bring them back here to prove that you’re amazing?