Let’s talk about classlessness. A few years after World of Warcraft took off, there was a push in the MMO industry to revive earlier progression systems that relied much less on dedicated and hard-delineated classes. Heck, even WoW was tugged in that direction. While few MMORPGs really dropped classes altogether and opted for true old-school skill systems, we definitely got a rash of titles that are a lot more flexible when it comes to character builds and goals, like Guild Wars 2 and Elder Scrolls Online.
I started thinking about these trends a bit a few weeks ago, when a thread on Reddit complaining about MMOs that have no classes (or so many classes that they may as well have a skill system instead). Personally, I pretty much always prefer skill-based MMOs, for all their problems, but developers are going to whisper the word “balance” to settle the argument.
Where do you stand on the issue? Do you even like classless MMOs?