One Shots: The gloaming hour


Are you a morning person or do you come alive in the evening? Depending on the day/night cycle of an MMORPG, you may in for an energizing — or lethargic — time.

Last week in One Shots, I challenged our readers to share their favorite time of the day in-game so that future archaeologists who uncover the internet will have an interesting tidbit to discuss over the dinner holo-table that night.

Zulika Mi-Nam kicks us off on a creepy note in Ascent: Infinite Realm, saying, “Who does not like a good sunset? Time of day here is… death.”

“As someone who discovered Star Trek through re-runs of the original series when I was a kid, I was never very keen on the post-original series design of Klingon starships,” said Mysecretid. “And then I discovered the Vor’ral-class Support Battlecruiser in Star Trek Online. Somebody on the dev team may have felt the way I did, because the classic Klingon vessel profile has returned in a 2410 guise (i.e. the year the game is set). It’s given me an excuse to dust off my long-languishing Klingon alt in STO, and to bellow ‘Today is a good day for pie!’ across the galaxy at every opportunity.”

This is why I like our readers. Pie and starships and nerdery all around.

Minimalistway took us to a planet in a galaxy far, far away: “I love early mornings when it is cold and sunny. SWTOR has no day/night cycle, so here is this screenshot of Tatooine. Deserts can be so cold in early morning — I’m speaking from experience here. That balloon is amazing thing, I want one.”

One largely unknown fact about Final Fantasy XIV’s Lalafels is that they actually have the inner density of a small moon, which explains why they are not easily punted away by every mob and raid boss they come across. Just thought I’d share that.

“Favorite time of day in an MMO?” Vincent asked. “When the sun goes down… and the mischievous Lalas come out to have fun!”

Deekay Zero is not having the easiest of times here in Star Citizen, but he doesn’t sound that perturbed by holes in his life support system.

“Parts of my former engine are falling off my Reliant Tana after a bounty hunter came to collect on my head,” he explained. “If you think this looks bad you should see the other guy’s ship.”

For my own contribution, this week I’ve got the Massively OP crew preparing for a crazy night of City of Heroes door missions. We had so many casualties that it broke MJ’s death counter, but at least it put a smile on all of our faces!

For this week’s screenshot challenge, share a picture and story of the last great group or guild experience that you had!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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