Global Chat: Looking back at 15 years of World of Warcraft blogging


Fifteen years is a huge chunk of time to devote to both a video game and an ongoing blog covering it, but that’s exactly what Priest with a Cause has done with World of Warcraft. In a retrospective post, the author looks back over this decade-and-a-half to see if it was all worth it.

“Since then it’s mostly been retail with the occasional dip into one of the Classic modes sprinkled in here and there. We’ll see where things go from here, but it’s certainly been one hell of a journey.”

Read on for more MMO essays about FFXIV, One Human, World of Warcraft, SWTOR, and more!

He's my pet.

Kaylriene has a lengthy and spoiler-laden review of FFXIV: Dawntrail’s story: “The duality of Final Fantasy XIV is that the majority of playtime I’ll spend with it personally isn’t on MSQ, even with a raid alt to also push through the story – it’s the repeatable content base of the game and the combat. Here’s the trick – right now, based on the launch content and with no raid series out just yet, Dawntrail is tremendously fun to play.”

Inventory Full looks at a trio of launch issues for Once Human: “It was always clear from the start that the intention was to allow multiple character creation eventually. but the uproar was sufficient to bring the date forward — really forward. Multiple character creation was enabled almost immediately, the same day the game launched.”

Kay Talks Games shares the relatable feeling of being a fan of games without playing them: “Have you ever enjoyed a video game without actually playing it? I feel like many of us do that at some point, whether it’s from having fun watching someone else play a game, enjoying a spin-off, or getting into an adaptation of the original material.”

Tales of the Aggronaut has some harsh words for FFXIV’s lowbie storyline: “I thought that maybe after returning to the game I would find the Ishgardians less insufferable given that I understand the people and their motivations a bit more now. This was not the case. Haurchefant is a great boy as always, but the rest of them can largely die in a big fire.”

Going Commando lists seven great SWTOR story updates: “Over the years, a lot has been said and written about the merits of each of the different class stories, but there’s been comparatively little discourse about the expansion stories from what I’ve seen — which I think is a shame, because in my opinion there’s some pretty good stuff in there.”

Not All Hunters is wading through Hardcore Classic: “I’m not sold on HC as a lifestyle yet, but at least it amps up the adrenaline when you’re down to that last hit point and the Kobolds keep coming. I honestly don’t know how Flora survived that mine. Again.”

Every day there are tons of terrific, insightful, and unusual articles posted across the MMO gaming blogosphere — and every day, Justin reads as many as he can. Global Chat is a sampling of noteworthy essays, rants, and guides from the past few weeks of MMO discourse.
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