Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review!
In spite of losing its director of design and delaying the release of its first-person camera view patch, Guild Wars 2 elicited cheers this week when it announced that map completion will no longer require WvW map exploration. ArenaNet also revealed the Desert Borderlands world vs. world map due to launch as part of the Heart of Thorns expansion.
Read on for a look at the rest of this week’s top MMO stories.
- Elder Scrolls Online is going B2P this week; we scoped out the new justice system
- Labor changes and Pegasus mount are coming to ArcheAge, which just launched its Secrets of the Ayanad patch
- Final Fantasy XIV revealed Heavensward’s preorder and collectors edition goodies
- More bad news for Daybreak: EQ Next ditched key forums, PlanetSide lost another dev
- The Secret World kicked off a new ARG, revamped the newbie experience, and lost a key designer
- WildStar’s next drop will include a new contract system, wardrobe, and minipets
- Crowfall detailed character progression, offline skilling, and crafting and decay
- Camelot Unchained’s latest newsletter discussed decay, training
- Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil expansion has been delayed
- An embezzlement scandal hit NCsoft
- Better clear some hard drive space for Star Citizen
- RIFT is upgrading its wardrobe system and adding a brand-new calling
- Skyforge’s closed beta test is now live
- A researcher is studying City of Heroes memorymaking
- Elite: Dangerous’ 1.2 Wings update launched
- Dungeon Fighter Online will return from the dead with its March 24 open beta
Here’s what our Stream Team was up to this week:
- The Stream Team: Testing out TSW’s Enhanced Player Experience
- The Stream Team: MOBA Madness plays SMITE and Infinite Crisis
- The Stream Team: Exploring ArcheAge’s Diamond Shores
- The Stream Team: Braving the Brewday festivities in EverQuest II
- The Stream Team: Diablo III is a game we are playing
Our friends at Blizzard Watch posted some fun stuff too:
- Deathwing invades Skyrim with new mod
- Blizzard raises WoW’s Blackrock Foundry item levels
- The top 10 WoW battle pets you should stone to 25
- What to do in WoW when you’re level 100
Finally, this week MOP reintroduced two columns from the old site, Flameseeker Chronicles and MMO Mechanics, and unveiled our brand-new comic, Sword and Bored. Yay!