You could give thanks on Thanksgiving, or gorge yourself on festive food alongside your bickering family members, but we say there’s nothing like shopping from the comfort of our gaming chairs and basking in the company of our favorite guildies! Today, in celebration of the overwrought annual event that is Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, we give you this guide to the best MMO gaming deals (and a few themed events too) that we could find. Go forth and buy all the things.
World of Warcraft is super cheap this weekend; you can pick up the base game for $5 and Warlords of Draenor for $12.50. Blizzard is likewise putting a whole bunch of franchise loot on sale 30% off — think plushies and hoodies. [Source #1, source #2; thanks, Eric!]
The Elder Scrolls Online (top image) celebrates Black Fredas with deep discounts on crown packs, a special cash shop bundle, and a 60% off sale on the game — both editions — on the official site and on Steam. [Source #1, source #2]
Got your eye on Final Fantasy XIV? Buy the Heavensward expansion from the Square store and get a digital code for the base game for free. [Source (press release)]
Elite: Dangerous has sliced its price to under 15 bucks on Steam and the official site. [Source #1, source #2. Thanks, Cotic and C.H.!]
The Secret World is half off this weekend on Steam. [Source]
Champions Online is handing out free-form character slots for folks who log in this weekend. These normally go for 50 bucks! [Source; thanks, Sorenthaz!]
Skyforge went all-out with a Black Friday trailer heralding the sale of three Necromancer-themed packs in the store. [Source]
Guild Wars 2 players should log in every day beginning on Friday and check the gemstore to pick up two free cash shop items per day (which items, of course, are decided by ANet). That’s less a deal and more a freebie. Even better. And if you haven’t bought Heart of Thorns yet, check out the list of authorized dealers — several are running sales on the expansion. [Source #1, source #2 – thanks to Sc{r}ooge!]
EVE Online’s Black Friday sale includes discounts on PLEX and item bundles. It’s on sale on Steam, too. [Source #1, source #2]
TERA says it’s discounting “over 500 items.” EMP bundles are on sale as well. [Source]
EverQuest II players should check their inboxes for a freebie from Daybreak: a two-week All-Access Pass that works on the studio’s entire stable of online games. Look for sales on mercenary packs and cash bundles too. [Source #1, source #2]
ArcheAge fiends are invited to party on Mirage Isle and earn items that grant character bonuses through the Thanksgiving event. There’s also a “Blast From The Past” sale in the Marketplace. [Source #1, source #2]
WildStar’s rolling with an experience boost event for the holidays in addition to its second annual Protostar Protosale. [Source #1, source #2]
Trove’s Block Friday patch is accompanied by 50% off sales for certain packs and costumes. [Source]
Marvel Heroes is touting a “doorbuster” sale the morning of Black Friday in addition to reduced prices on heroes and costumes. [Source #1, source #2]
World of Tanks invites you to The Feast: There’s a new cash shop deal every day, plus in-game bonuses for everyone. [Source]
SMITE has chopped down the prices of gems for the weekend and Monday too. [Source]
Warframe’s Palatine Bonus Weekend ushers in game bonus and cash shop sales and introduces Wukong. [Source]
Some of RIFT’s Steam bundles are 50% off. Expect flash sales on some mounts, too. [Source]
Dungeons and Dragons Online has some insane sales running, including up to 85% off starter and expansion packs. [Source]
Lord of the Rings Online has discounted its store point bundles and expansion packs. Steam bundles are on sale too! [Source #1, source #2, source #3. Thanks, progshine!]
Firefall’s Thanksgiving sale means specialty headgear! You know you want a Turkey Hat. [Source]
Final Fantasy XI is on sale for cheap now too as it heads into maintenance mode. [Source]
Dark Age of Camelot has a weekend battleground event with bonus live through the holiday. [Source]
Mechwarrior Online has heroes and champions marked down 50% all weekend, and on Black Friday itself, you can snag 20% more coins when buying currency. [Source #1, source #2]
Atlantica Online is placing everything its in cash shop on sale for 40% to 60% off. [Source]
ARK: Survival Evolved is running a Turkey Trial event and a 40% discount sale during Steam’s autumn sale. Of course there’s a video because it’s ARK and there is always a video. [Source #1, source #2; thanks, Kinya and BBB!]
H1Z1 is 35% off on Steam. [Source; thanks BBB.]
Heroes of the Storm has steep 50% off discounts this weekend, even for subs. [Source; thanks Kasch and Armsbend!]
Star Wars: The Old Republic would like you to buy lockboxes and packs; they’ll be 25% off when the sale begins today. [Source. Thanks, Polyanna.]
Wild Terra has put all bundles 40% to 70% off for Black Friday. [Source]
Steam is also running hefty discounts on The Crew’s base game, War Thunder packs, Defiance season passes, and Neverwinter’s bundles. Thanks, BBB!
We’re sure we missed some, so feel free to add more in the comments below for the benefit of the whole community. We’ll be updating as we go (plus we already know of some sales embargoed for tomorrow that we couldn’t include just yet). Happy Thanksgiving!