Are you all the Jedi you could possibly be? If not, then subscribe to our exclusive six-week course, where we’ll teach you such advanced concepts as “saying goodbye to love forever,” “giving short green dudes piggy-back rides,” and “that’s not how the Force works.”
Or you could just take a cue from Camelotcrusade, who has mastered the art of being a Jedi poser — to the max in SWTOR: “How to tell if you’re a badass Jedi: Eye patch? Check. Expensive white power crystal? Check. Multiple training droids? Cheeeck.”
Either way, you’re going to have plenty of adventures and things to tell your mom at Thanksgiving!
“I jumped off this cliff in Black Desert for you, Justin!” Stacy wrote.
I won’t lie. I got a small but heady rush of power and inflated ego when I saw that. I imagined not just one, but a legion of minions blindly doing my will. I saw the world tremble at my very orders, probably while I wearing Cobra Commander’s mask. No, Destro. Destro’s was cooler.
Then my infant spat up all over me and I came back down to earth.
Speaking of flying (or at least, falling with style), Kristina sent in this great pic of her Guild Wars 2 adventure: “I believe I can fly… well glide anyway! The look of pure joy and excitement on Asuran as they glide is too cute.”
Ever wanted to look at a Chua up close and very, very personal? You can thank Boom for this opportunity, then.
“I finally managed to get into WildStar this weekend soa shot of my Chua, Deadeye McPie, expressing elation,” he said.
“This is on the concourse at Madison Square Garden in The Division,” ReesRacer writes, “where the pile of bodies on the floor in front of the ‘Christmas on Ice’ sign either represents victims from the outbreak, or the usual result after a particularly contentious NHL game.”
You know you want it! You know you need it! It’s… your weekly screenshot challenge!
The theme of this week’s challenge is “goofy and bizarre wildlife.” Oh, we all know that you have folders full of caps of weird critters and mobs that you’ve encountered over the years. Dish!