There are certain locales and cutscenes in MMORPGs that I’ve noticed get screenshotted more than most, and none seem to be quite as popular as the fisticuffs/rebar scene from Secret World Legends. Are we all so bloodthirsty or is it just such an epic moment of vengeance that we can’t help ourselves?
Hirku sure couldn’t: “Off-topic this week because I played SWL’s Last Train to Cairo storyline for the first time last night and wanted to share my pics of kicking Saddur’s ass.”
That poor guy’s been impaled more times than a YouTube video of a girl telling us her opinion about cutoffs has gotten comments. That analogy totally ran away with me. MOVING ON.
Zyrusticae can be hired to build your next dream home: “I still have not been playing much other than Conan Exiles lately, so more Conan Exiles is what you’ll get! Finally built some guard towers around our base to deter people from climbing in willy-nilly during raid hours. If only I were allowed to set the guards to aggressive outside of raid hours…”
Several players were encouraged to submit pictures of their favorite MMO zone and to tell us why it is so well-designed. So how about this sandy one?
“While I don’t play Black Desert anymore, Altivova was a very wonderful city where I spent a good deal of my time,” said UpayaBlossom. Mostly, as BDO lacks fast travel, the sight of Altinova in the distance usually meant a successful… whatever it was that we were doing. This spot was gorgeous — in Valencia just across the river. It was a quiet, out-of-the-way spot to rest between grinding.”
Vincent wowed us with plenty of gorgeous shots from Final Fantasy XIV: “For me, the layout and visuals of Gridania will always one of my favorites. I will admit, it is mostly for nostalgic reasons. This is where I first started, my first dps class, my first crafting class. How everything from the crafting halls to the Grand Company HQ to the Adventurer’s Guild has such amazing detail, you often miss it on your first run through.”
“I’m rather enjoying the new Umbra’s Courtyard area from the recent Warframe update,” reports CapnLan. “Liked it so much I ended up spending about an hour taking action shots with Excalibur Umbra. And yes, I made him purple. That’s just how things ended up. Fashion Frame is a helluva drug.”
An MMO where players get sucked into the whole cosmetic outfit side of the game? Never heard that before!
A few weeks ago we did look at character fashion, but what about where they live? Yes indeed, it’s time once again to submit screenshots of your in-game house, castle, or superbase and let us know what you’ve done with it!