One Shots: Stepping back from the brink


A little while ago, I read how some visitors to the Grand Canyon have actually fallen in and perished because they would get a little too close to the edge and a wave of unexpected vertigo would knock them right down. So while it looks really awesome to step right up to the edge over a massive drop, maybe take a step back from the brink, eh?

“Started playing Lost Ark and literally came across this vista,” said Bereman99. “It was too good not to share. I know the isometric camera is not everyone’s jam, but I’ve really been enjoying how they’ve constructed the world with it, and how they move it in some encounters to help with things like sense of scale or intensity. They’ve definitely taken the approach of ‘If we have a fixed camera perspective, we need to use that to our advantage’ and done very well with that.”

Over in Guild Wars 2, SmiteDoctor is looking to make friends in the dark land of Orr with hugs, cupcakes, and swings of a 40-pound warhammer. Bring it on, sea zombies!

“Transforming myself into raven in World of Warcraft makes me want to stand on roofs, watching people … judging them silently,” murmured Minimalistway.

What judgment will you incur? And what bird poop might fall upon your head thereafter?

Vincent said that he’s taking a break from gaming for a bit, so for now, he’s signing off with this uber-powered Final Fantasy XIV outfit. Have a good break, Vinnie!

Arda rightly pointed out that out of all of the people who stood in the fire in an MMO, Gollum gets the award for his brief but memorable scene in Lord of the Rings Online.

Saddle up, screenshotters, and head out to those amazing frontiers to grab all of the memories — and images — that you can! See you next week!

Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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