Knowing what’s coming next in high-end group content is a pretty important component of World of Warcraft, but the team is aware of how this can impact players who may not be using voice chat either for personal or simply accessibility reasons. A post on the official forums discussing the issue from an accessibility standpoint drew a lengthy response explaining the ways that the team distinguishes between different mechanics and how random or dangerous they are to the group as a whole, while also noting that the WoW team is looking into ways to make things even more accessible with its UI updates arriving with Dragonflight.
Of course, that’s all discussing content updates in the future, not right now, and players are still eagerly awaiting the game’s next content update – even a minor one, like patch 9.2.5. Fortunately, it’s possible players won’t be waiting much longer for that update at all, as the most recent update to the game’s test server for patch 9.2.5 has been flagged as a release candidate, meaning that it’s quite possible – even probable – that a full release is not far off. So keep waiting just a little longer.