Rise of the Angry Earth is making some big waves for New World this month, and it stands to reason that many people are flocking back to Amazon’s MMO. To help bring people up to speed, MMO Bits detailed 10 things players should know about the expansion.
“You get a mount (horse) by completing the ‘My Kingdom for a Horse’ mount quest in northern Everfall. The quest marker is a horseshoe symbol. Progressing through the mount questline will get you all three mount types (horse, wolf and lion).”
Legendary Casual explains how to harvest flow wood in Palia: “I’ve outlined in the maps below my favorite areas to farm flow trees. These are really convenient locations, easily navigable, with lots of medium-sized pine trees. There are usually other players nearby to conveniently group up.”
Heartless Gamer got in on the ground floor of New World’s expansion: “I also made my way through the mount questline up to unlocking my wolf mount. I am taking a break there and headed towards the new Edengrove settlement to start the quest line to enter the new Elysian Wilds zone.”
Ancient Gaming Noob looks at all of the expansions coming out of Daybreak: “The expansion includes a level cap increase from 140 to 150 and the new Mariner class. And, naturally, there will be new areas to explore, including the tropical city of Umbar. I mean, they have palm trees on the splash screen!”
The Nosy Gamer is torn between EVE Online and FFXIV’s new offerings: “I guess I have to learn to plan my time better. But the positive thing I take away from the current situation is CCP is actually giving me a meaningful choice.”
Inventory Full got sucked into an epic EverQuest II gaming session: “That’s probably the most I’ve played in a single day over the whole of the year. It wasn’t exactly planned but it was a lot of fun and I wouldn’t rule out doing it again sometime.”
Priest with a Cause thinks that this year’s BlizzCon is do or die: “The other option is that they actually do something unexpected with retail WoW, Classic, or both. Now, the problem here is that Blizzard has historically been rather conservative with these things, espousing an attitude of ‘we know what works so we’ll just keep doing that.'”