If you ever played The Secret World, then nod with me as I say that Funcom had absolutely no idea how to portray, voice, or model children in the slightest. Honestly, those kids might be the most terrifying things in this entire game, and that’s saying something.
Sleepy nevertheless is enthralled with one of these demon children getting storytime: “Sitting around the fire, listening to horror stories in a forest filled with horrors.”
“I have a disturbing habit in Star Wars: The Old Republic where I take screenshots of NPCs after I kill them,” said definitely not serial killer Minimalistway. “Sometimes they die while standing, and sometimes this happens:”
Hey, if you ever find a pair of windows shining so bright that they should be accompanied by an angelic chorus, strike a post like what Hikari did in Dungeons and Dragons Online and use your awesomest catchphrase.
My teachers lied to me. They always said that Neptune was a gas giant that couldn’t be walked upon, nevermind support human life. But it turns out that the whole place is Blade Runner.
“Neptune in Destiny 2 is what I think people in the ’80s imagined the future would look like,” Little Bugbear said.
I know we’re supposed to duck and cover when a nuke goes off, but I can never help myself in Fallout 76. My strategy is to run toward the nuclear apocalypse and try to get the best screenshot before my skin is vaporized. How’d I do?
Just like a clean sheet of posterboard and a array of fingerpaints were your artistic canvas in kindergarten, so now the comment section is to you today! Fill it up with your best MMO screenshots and let us all know, indeed, what wonders you’ve seen.