While you’re over there playing the same-old, same-old MMO, do you know who is having a spectacular time discovering one of the most original games in our genre? The Friendly Necromancer, that’s who.
The discovery in question is Project Gorgon, which enticed this MMO blogger into playing and writing about it over several sessions. It definitely sounds as though Tom here is having a blast.
“During our tour around the world I was shown a ‘back door’ to the place where all the high level people hang out: Red Wing Casino,” Tom said. “This place is chock-full of training NPCs and side games. I was absolutely overjoyed to find out that you can actually play match-3 inside of Project Gorgon, and it pays pretty good too! At least for a low level shmuck like me.”
Tales of the Aggronaut: The success of WoW Classic
“Classic has been a breath of fresh air for so many of us, and a remembering that there was a time when we wholeheartedly loved the gameplay experience. There is a certain characteristic of the gameplay that makes it almost impossible to be truly optimal, and in that there is a freedom. Sure you can play better, but every aspect of the game is fighting against you building something perfect.”
The Ancient Gaming Noob: Everybody comes to Westfall
“Westfall is one of the quintessential zones of Azeroth. For the Alliance it is where a lot of players converge as the quest lines there lead to the Deadmines instance. If you want to have Gryan Stoutmantle shout your name out to the zone you have to get on board the quest train.”
Contains Moderate Peril: Star Trek Online Awakening
“As ever with STO, the new story is inventive and draws heavily upon multiple threads of established in-game and canonical lore. There are numerous elements to the plot but complexity is not always a stumbling block, if handled well. Cryptic are aware that not all players may be familiar with all the elements from Star Trek: Discovery so there are several instances of characters pausing to deliver substantial quantities of expositionary dialogue.”
GamingSF: Self-imposed difficulty in MMORPGs
“I’m not that familiar with the game but I can understand the concept of self-imposed difficulty in a MMO. As yet I’ve not read of any similar experiments in Classic, of players chosing deliberately underpowered class/spec choices, or limiting themselves to no twinking (e.g. no buying items of other players or the auction house) – I expect it will happen if it hasn’t already though.”
Kaylriene: How I bought a decommissioned WoW server blade
“Why did I buy it? Well, despite being a cool runner-up (I really wanted the original round of blades for my home server, but the auction setup and high pricing meant it wasn’t going to happen), it was also a sort of interesting reminder of why I am still engaged with WoW at all.”
MMO Juggler: Finished Elder Scrolls Online Summerset
“The Summerset storyline was nine quests, each multi-step and fairly involved, and I enjoyed it overall. The boss fights were fun and challenging and I’m grateful that failing (dying) only made me retry from a recent checkpoint, not redo the entire fight.”