The TitanReach developer team has been pumping out blog posts all week, with two fresh one just since our last article. The first is stuffed with eyecandy that actually makes the game look damn appealing – and very WoW-like, or maybe more like “WoW but better.” There’s a flip through concept art of desert armor, bows, goblin critters, 3-D props, clothing, ogres, and cows, plus animations and a bundle of UI screenshots.
“Level and game design have been happening constantly behind the scenes (due to not wanting to spoil certain things and also a lot of it not having a visual element like the 2D and 3D art does),” the community manager writes. “What I can say is that Trickzbunny has been hard at work designing combat mechanics, drop tables and lots of fancy-looking graphs. Additionally, he has been working with Sean Fox on level design and creating new areas outside of Glimmermoore.”
The second blog is much more technical in nature, discussing the game’s PHP roots and security. Not as pretty as screenshots, but somehow more comforting.
MMO readers will recall that TitanReach has already weathered several controversies in its short lifespan, failing to secure a Kickstarter or launch a promised Indiegogo, suggesting in December that it needed funding or “it’s all over,” and reversing statements on employee pay. However, it does appear that development continues, and the game launched into its own form of early access last month for players willing to pony up $56.