Week in Review: WoW slips to 7.1M subs [May 10, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review!

World of Warcraft raised eyebrows this week as Blizzard revealed a three million sub drop in the last quarter, the sharpest three-month drop in the game’s history. The heavy losses don’t appear to worry MMO players, however, and they don’t appear to worry Blizzard, either, as the studio preps WoW’s 6.2 patch and enjoys absurd success with Hearthstone and Diablo III.

Meanwhile, Massively Overpowered — that’s us! — launched our Patreon campaign. We appreciate your support! Read on for the very best of this week’s MMO news and opinions.

Landmark’s new island shapes revealed - If you are eager to scope out Landmark's new landscapes in order to find the perfect spot to construct your next home, you can get a headstart on your plans even while the servers are still down.…
Daybreak releases EverQuest progression server details - Daybreak has announced the results of its EverQuest progression server polling. The shard's name will be Ragefire, and the initial unlocked expansion vote was a close one with "classic only" winning out over "classic, Kunark, and…
SWTOR players harass a BioWare dev and his family - [AL:TOR] What do you do when MMO devs mess with your favorite class? If you're a handful of Star Wars: The Old Republic players, you spam invective at BioWare systems designer John Jarynowski on social media. But…
Crowfall’s store is (partly) up and running - You have not played enough of Crowfall to form an opinion on how it plays. You haven't. It isn't playable yet. But that doesn't mean you can't start buying in-game goodies to have when you finally…
Why Eternal Crusade can’t do a global megaserver - The dream to create a PvP-centric game on a single global megaserver might be just that -- a dream. Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade Senior Producer Nathan Richardson said that current tech can't support such a server,…
Talking with Trion about the future of Trove - If you dismissed Trove early on as an insignificant game or a thinly veiled Minecraft clone, then it might be time to take a second look. Trion Worlds' colorful sandbox has been growing by leaps and bounds…
Star Wars: The Old Republic cracks down on RMT ring - [AL:TOR]In the MMO community, shady websites selling game currency for real currency are considered especially heinous. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, these operations are shut down by an elite squad known as the Creditseller Destroyers.…
Neverwinter announces its next major update, Underdark - [AL:NW]Neverwinter is heading into a dark place with its next major update. Darker than dark, even. Tenatively dubbed Neverwinter: Underdark, the next module will bring players into the eponymous Underdark, exploring kingdoms of Drow and featuring…
TERA arrives on Steam with the Gunner class patch - [AL:TERA]TERA fans have been anticipating the game's newest class for a while now -- and today, it's here. Patch 31.04 debuts the Gunner, a Castanic and High Elf female class that wields a rifle bigger than…
LOTRO Legendarium: The return of the dungeon - [AL:LOTRO]While I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online as one of my main MMOs for almost a decade now, it's primarily been for the single-player experience through the majestic and detailed world. I suspect that…

Shaking up how WoW’s encounters are tanked

WoW pet battles for beginners

How to get started with gold-making in World of Warcraft

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