Diablo III, Ark, and Warframe all climb on Raptr’s August stats

What useful data!

Raptr’s monthly stat summaries remain the best possible way to track the popularity of games among the people who actually use Raptr. And it’s a pretty solid month for those users playing online games of some variety, with Diablo III and Warframe jumping up the highest. ARK: Survival Evolved, Final Fantasy XIV, Hearthstone, and Star Wars: The Old Republic all made gains as well, albeit less significant ones.

While League of Legends retains the top slot by a wide margin, SMITE and Heroes of the Storm both fell somewhat, making for a less MOBA-tacular month. As mentioned in the introduction, these stats do not represent anything more significant than the use habits of Raptr’s installed base, but it’s still interesting as a potential analysis of larger trends. You can also check out last month’s stats if you’re looking for a larger overall trend.

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