“Like many, when Destiny 2 launched late last year, I played it for a few weeks, then put it away,” said Rees Racer. “I was persuaded by friends and good reviews to have another go with the Forsaken expansion, and have been enjoying it all very much. All the challenges and co-op stuff is good fun. First, I needed to get through the first two expansions, though.
“During the Curse of Osiris missions, the Infinite Forest inside Mercury’s core transports you to different times in the planet’s history. I was struck by the beauty of the iteration from the past, when the Traveler had transformed Mercury into a garden world. I decided to take a moment and have a look at the sunrise.”
Well. Consider my jaw dropped. Well done indeed.
Here’s a familiar sight for many of us — but not all of us, as Hugmonster confessed.
“I’m 13 years late to the party but I finally started playing the original Guild Wars,” he wrote. “STUNNING!”
I don’t have the heart to tell him what happens next. Look away, Hugmonster. Look away.
You all have been piling on with the terrific screenshots as of late and really taking up these challenges, so I shouldn’t have been surprised to see so many readers posting pics of their characters facing out at an impressive vista. But does it get any better than this?
“Here’s an old one I’ve always liked,” Mysecretid said. “My Superman protege in DC Universe Online takes in the view of Earth from the Justice League’s orbital headquarters.”
“Booted up Elder Scrolls Online,” submitted Pandalulz. “All I remember from the first time I tried it was so much gray and brown. But I was just puttering around outside Summerset and stopped on the beach outside the menagerie. Already missing the beach vacation from last week.”
What happens when you take an already great-looking game and then give it a huge visual overhaul? You get Black Desert.
“BDO is a beautiful game, it can’t really be argued,” argues Hikari. “I have an endless string of pics from that game that fit this request, but we’ll post one using the new remastered graphics.”
With fall here and Halloween on the way, I’m sure many of our thoughts have turned to witches and candy and jack-o-lanterns. Our screenshot challenge of the week is to ignore all of the Halloween decorations that have been added to our MMOs this month and instead take a picture of a zone, area, or building that looks Halloween year-round!