On this week’s show, Bree and Justin talk about World of Warcraft’s momentous expansion delay, release dates for Magic Legends and Torchlight III, a new home for Skyforge, and what to do when you feel untethered from an MMO.
It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your own letter to the show, use the “Tips” button in the top-right corner of the site to do so.
Listen to the show right now:
Show notes:
- Intro
- The Daily Grind Blitz
- News: World of Warcraft delays Shadowlands
- News: Magic Legends gets delayed as well
- News: Torchlight III is going live on October 13th
- News: PlanetSide 2 breaks its world (in a good way)
- News: Skyforge is coming to the Switch
- News: HEX is coming to an end
- Mailbag: Feeling untethered from MMOs
- Mailbag: Livestream the podcast?
- Mailbag: Why do dailies?
- Outro
Other info:
- Download Episode 291
- Podcast theme: “Only Human” from World of Warcraft
- Your show hosts: Justin and Bree
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Pocket Casts, and Spotify
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, and Twitch
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