One of my favorite things to do every year is look through Livefyre and round up the articles that you guys just would not stop talking in. So let’s have a meta-look at the top 10 posts of the year 2015, by number of comments — and commenters.
Top posts by comments

Top posts by participants

Right away, it’s clear that the Star Citizen/Derek Smart drama dominated the year in terms of what people really wanted to talk about — and when I say talk, I mean rage for days. The posts on the drama attracted a lot of veteran Massively OP readers as well as those who normally don’t step outside Reddit.
That said, World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion announcement still brought the most comments (1422) on the whole, which is unsurprising given just how many people still play and how many more used to and might again.
WildStar’s free-to-play conversion was a major topic for commenters as well, no doubt because its original business model was so contentious and its “cupcake” machismo was a bit of a turnoff.
Guild Wars 2 was done no favors by its prepurchase fiasco this past summer, though it’s a squabble I suspect most of you have long since forgotten!
Daybreak’s layoffs were aftershocks. The Star Trek Online story is just depressing.
Finally, there were a few general Daily Grinds that unexpectedly went viral. One was literally an open thread for complaining about everything you hate about the MMO genre, and it was glorious. And the other one was more or less a who’s-who of the dedicated Massively community. /salute to you.
So 1422 is your number to beat next year, folks. Make it happen! In the meanwhile, stay tuned for a follow-up piece going into the popular posts by pageviews — it’s quite the contrast.