Project Gorgon adds cosmetic system, slashes Steam price through May


Project Gorgon’s latest patch has arrived as of this past weekend, and if you like looking pretty and strong, then you’re going to love what Elder Game has done to the game’s glamour – essentially, its gear cosmetic system.

“Glamour Berries are a nifty cosmetic feature that let you make your equipment look like other equipment. This can be really useful when [you’re] tired of wearing non-matching armor! […] Glamour Berries are magical fae fruit that can permanently make any one piece of gear look like another piece of gear. This is only an illusion, though — the glamour has no effect on the item’s stats or behavior. This includes NPC behavior: NPCs automatically ‘see through’ glamours, so they will react to you as if you were wearing the original item. For instance, if you’re wearing ‘hideous’ clothing that’s been glamoured into something beautiful, NPCs will still think you look hideous.”

Players will be able to score these berries with event tokens, through minigames, and eventually, with guild credits. There’s more to the patch, including new transmutation mechanics for swapping gear treasure effects, improved tooltips, boosted graphics and physics, and several new UI tweaks.

If you’ve been waiting for a chance to give Project Gorgon a try, it’s is currently running one heck of a sale for you to take advantage of. According to Elder Game, the 50% off price, which drops the game down to $19.99, is its lowest ever; it runs through May 2nd. Do note that if you get sucked into the gameworld, you might want to pony up for the optional sub as well. But hey, if you do, there are some free glamour berries for you in the deal.

Source: Patch notes. Cheers, Sorenthaz, Jason, and Navarre!
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