There’s no way that The Ancient Gaming Noob would miss out on EverQuest’s 25th anniversary: “So there is a lot going on if you are into the game. It is hard to gauge how accessible EQ is now to new players 25 years down the road. Certainly when there is a 25% xp buff isn’t a bad time to start. But beware the overwhelming nature of heroic upgrades. Being hit with 25 years of design baggage can be a heavy blow.”
Read on for more MMO essays that cover WoW, SWTOR, Diablo IV, Nightingale, and New World!
Superior Realities documented a return to World of Warcraft after six years away: “As I considered this return, I was struck by how long this game has been around, and how long I’ve been playing it. I was a teenager when I created Mai. I’m thirty-three now. And I started thinking about the passage of time in-universe as well as in the real world.”
Going Commando welcomed SWTOR’s Season 6: “In all their excitement about date nights, and in their eagerness to provide details about the new stronghold, it seems the devs forgot to mention a fairly important change coming with GS6: that for the first time since Season 2, there isn’t a new reputation track to be filled out throughout the season.”
Inventory Full learned the dangerous of Nightingale’s night: “One thing I haven’t mentioned about Nightingale is what happens after the sun goes down. The monsters all come out to play. Everywhere, even your home Realm, innocuous by daylight as it is, becomes a playground for murderous mobs, all of whom seem to know exactly where to find you.”
Kaylriene talks about The War Within’s early access controversy: “WoW is, also, quite a time-sensitive game, and thus a three-day headstart on expansion content seems like it could create a state of relative imbalance, where the people who start early get a big headstart into endgame and being prepared for what comes in Season 1 of The War Within.”
Heartless Gamer is concerned about New World’s dip in player numbers: “Also we still don’t have the road map for 2024 and won’t have it until June at the earliest. This is one of the drivers to the low numbers: There isn’t anything new to do or to look forward to in the game.”
Tales of the Aggronaut is done with Diablo IV: “It feels like the creators that used to make up the core of Diablo… have largely given up on the game. The first season was bad… season two gave everyone a bit of hope… but season three and the poor reception of the heavily delayed gauntlet have caused interest to plummet into the sub-basement.”