It’s the 1990s! We’ve heard of snips and snails and puppy dog tails, and sugar and spice and everything nice. But what is Warframe 1999 made of? Thanks to a special TennoCon 2024 preview, an interview with Creative Director Rebb Ford and Community Director and Live Ops Megan Everett, and the keynote during TennoLive, I discovered the answer happens to be two of the world’s greatest things (according to MJ):
Music and motorcycles.
That’s right, the foundation of Warframe 1999 is built on music. Music here — ’90s style, of course — isn’t an afterthought or even just a background of this story as in most games. Ford called it a defining attribute. It is part of the bedrock the rest is built on. And we’ll get to experience this personally come winter 2024 when Warframe 1999 launches. Just add riding a motorcycle throughout the apocalyptic streets and you have the makings of a most fantastic expansion.
Infectious music
Nothing says 1990s like boy bands, and the alternate earth could not escape this fact. Warframe 1999 has one too: The group On-lyne has multiple appearances, from background music videos to a full on infested concert. In fact, the entire story revolves around On-line. The group itself was created specifically by Digital Extremes by combining vocal artists to sing music written by Matthew Chalmers. But just because it was contrived (really, what boy bands weren’t?) doesn’t mean the music isn’t album-worthy. In fact, the song Party of Your Lifetime will be release to the public in the real world right after TennoCon.
That isn’t the only song, however. Ford noted that there are five original songs throughout the 1999 demo, each with a specific style. Ford listed grunge, corepunk, and girl bands as other music styles. All tracks were recorded in house by various vocalists working with DE.
The music of Warframe 1999 is really infectious – and I mean that literally. When you fail to hack a terminal in 1999, you can get infected by a worm. This virus then festers for millennia, appearing again when you return to the present. In this special railjack mission, you have to rush the stage of a concert gone wrong, and you find the boy band are lovely infested liches. Concerts always did get a little rowdy. (And that’s a yes to infested lich weapons, Ford affirmed.)
Note: Just as you can play a song you love over and over and over in the ’90s (as long as you made a mix tape!), you can play 1999 and the railjack over and over to your heart’s content once you’ve finished the mission first.
So, it had to be asked: Who came up with this idea to build 1999 upon a boy band, and an infested one at that? Ford admitted it might have had something to do with a certain DE staff who at nine years old infected her new computer with a virus in the ’90s when trying to download music from her favorite boy band while on dial up. (This was shortly after Ford shared that she excitedly got her first computer at nine years old.) Hmmm. Art imitating life?.
Love in the ’90s
Other TennoCons introduced new things to Warframe, from open world zones to archwings to railjacks. So what does 1999 bring? (Beyond motorcycles, that is.)
Turns out it’s romance. Yes, you can have love in the ’90s. Amid the chat rooms and retro KOL instant messaging, this update introduces a romance system to Warframe. As players interact with the six members of the new Hex syndicate, they can develop closer relationships with them.
Ford explained that players will be able to “create relationships, bonds, and be able to have deep conversations online” with the Protoframe crew. “We’re really hoping this relationship system helps players deepen the connection with the Hex members,” she said. “If you play your cards right, you might even get a New Year’s kiss.” What a way to usher in Y2K.
So whom would you choose? Are you an Arthur (Excalibur) fan, or prefer his sister Eleanor (Nix)? How about speedy Amir (Volt)? Or the ladies Aoi (Mag) and Leticia (Trinity)? Maybe you are into new guys, like Quincy (Cyte-09). Take you pick, or maybe find a way to have them all. I have no idea if it is possible, but who says you can’t try?
Party like it’s 1999
Oh wait, it is 1999 here. And the world is infested by techrot. So the party we are talking about it is not the interrupted Y2K New Year’s celebration; it’s the action of the adventure! And Ford explained that this adventure is the continuation of Warframe’s colossus campaign. That means those who want to be a part of it when it launches need to be finished with Whispers in the Walls. If you haven’t caught up yet, however, you’ve still got time. I’ve been there, done that on story content in Warframe.
Other fun points about 1999 is getting to fight tech infested tanks. With a rocket launcher. Yeah, I can see this being my all-time favorite update in Warframe. And one thing 1999 won’t do — which I seriously appreciate — is lock players away from all other content until it’s done. It’s as if it was made for me. I can’t wait until the end of the year so I can play. Luckily (or maybe torturously), we’ll get to have a small taste of what’s to come when the Lotus Eaters content releases in August; this prologue is a micro story setting up the stakes on 1999.
The sweetest ride
So how about the atomicycle?! I am so excited for this new mount. I quite enjoy flying with the archwing and zipping across the open zones on my K-drive, but nothing can compare to racing a motorcycle through the streets. It may not be a hog, but it looks like a sweet, sweet ride with a 1990s Warframe flavor. And yes, you will be able to fashion-frame your bike with some customizable options!
What could make this atomicycle even better? How about turning it into a bomb to aim at your enemies when you dismount?! Yup, that’s a real thing. And I’ll be enjoying this feature plenty once I complete the quest in 1999 to unlock my own. Once I have it, I’ll be able to use it in all open areas, just like the archwing and K-Drive. I’ll also be doing plenty of tricks in the air and busting through things, as one would do when speeding down the streets on a spiffy atomicyle.
Living in the ’90s now
For a short time after the close of TennoCon, a special narrative relay will be open for Tenno to enjoy for about a week. This is the mall highlighted in the demo. Players can explore and speculate about the upcoming content. Hanging out at the mall is about the most ’90s thing you can do, so see you there, Tenno!