Indie MMO The Quinfall launches into $19.99 early access today


As promised, MMORPG The Quinfall has officially entered early access as of this afternoon.

For those who don’t quite remember The Quinfall, a refresher: Turkish studio Vawraek Technology announced the game two years ago, boasting of a massive, full-featured sandbox set in “the biggest MMORPG universe in the world,” complete with a music system, bases, climbing, and a dynamic ecosystem. But the studio ran into controversy and drama when it announced a “paid open beta” after previously promising not to seek financial support from fans; moreover, fans complained of prefab assets, AI reliance, and stock photos on the studio website. Vawraek nevertheless continued previewing development for the past year, settling on the early access date last month.

The Steam page is offering said early access for a $19.99 price tag. The devs promise that the current version is “fully playable” and that they expect to remain in this state of development for “about 6 months.”

“Our main goal is to make improvements and new content additions to all existing content in our game,” the devs write. “We love implementing the ideas we get from players and will use Early Access to both expand and improve the game. Early Access is an ideal way to engage players in the development process and we look forward to working with the community to make our game even better.”

Par for the course in MMOs this week: The game is already struggling at launch.

As of this evening, the studio has posted a flowery apology for the outages and is promising to “make amends.”

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