In the comments of our recent piece on the Guild Wars 2 legendary armory, several of our regular readers got into a discussion on whether the armory constituted a good use of developer time as a relatively low percentage of players actually have legendaries or do the endgame content that legendaries enable. From there, the conversation branched out into whether legendaries were the game’s “endgame.”
I don’t want to get into a debate here about whether legendaries are necessary; I don’t personally care about them or chase them even when I’m actively playing Guild Wars 2. What I want to dig into today is the idea that something that is perceived as being an MMO’s endgame isn’t actually pursued by the bulk of players. That’s something not exclusive to Guild Wars 2, either; we’ve seen it in World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online when it comes to raiding, for example. I can say for myself that I don’t participate in any of the endgame heroic content in SWG Legends in spite of playing the MMO in a rather hardcore way. I just do what I want and ignore the rest.
What part of your MMO’s endgame do you participate in? Is it a non-zero amount?