With Diablo II’s remake on the market, Diablo III’s continuing seasons, Diablo Immortal’s patches, and Diablo IV on the way this summer, it’s not much of a surprise to see the Ancient Gaming Noob declare this as the “Age of Diablo.”
“So, at some point this month it will be entirely possible for somebody to play all of the flavors of Diablo in the same week. And come June and the actual release, we will have five versions of Diablo to choose from spanning the 26 year history of the franchise.”
Read on for more MMO essays covering FFXIV, World of Warcraft, LOTRO, and more!
The Nosy Gamer attempted to ascertain how many years a successful MMO can have before it starts to decline: “My conclusion is that a very successful game will grow between 6 to 10 years. A game with a very good story might last longer, although FFXIV’s initial story has ended.”
Leo’s Life dissects FFXIV’s Eureka Orthos dungeon: “EO though, that is at another level and is reflective of modern dungeon design – also notably much harder to access. Multiple enemies have massive AE attacks that can one-shot you, and there are random enemies that can do the same.”
The Lazy Goldmaker listed three methods to making bank in World of Warcraft: “Flipping is the goldmaking term for buying and selling the same item. You are looking for items that are posted too low on the AH, so you can buy them and repost them for a higher price to get the sale. This is the most efficient goldmaking method in terms of time spent by far, but also the riskiest one.”
Tales of the Aggronaut got his Guild Wars 2 siege turtle: “What is even more shocking is the fact that eight out of the ten of us had never been there before, and we somehow managed to one-shot the encounter without much in the way of training.”
Mailvatar has a great amount of praise for Black Desert: “Suffice it to say, the game keeps getting better and better, especially in the QoL department, and if any of this was what kept you from enjoying the game in the past it might well be worth another look by now.”
Laurel’s LOTRO Den revealed the spring ’23 fashion catalogue for the stylish adventurer: “So, in my mind, a Galateia outfit has to look the part. Not just as a protector but also as a being linked to the wilderness and nature. The Naruhel items were a no-brainer but what else to add? I grabbed my woman Brawler and this is what happened.”