We’ll assume since you’re a savvy gamer reading Massively OP that you’re already well aware of the world’s best MMO podcast. But what do you do with your other 167 hours after you’re heard the new episodes? Communicate with other people like a chump? Perish the thought!
On a recent episode of the Massively OP Podcast, we received a listener email asking for other podcast recommendations. While we gave a few on the air, the truth is that there are plenty out there to hear, although you might not be quite as aware of them. To help you fill the audio void in your life, here are several other podcasts that tackle our favorite hobby.
1. World of Warcraft
As one might naturally assume with one of the world’s biggest MMOs, World of Warcraft has quite a few podcasts out there — and some are quite long-running. Might we recommend a main course of The Instance, followed by a side dish of Blizzard Watch, a deep draft of All Things Azeroth, and all topped off with a delicious bit of Ctrl Alt WoW?
2. Dungeons and Dragons Online
You might not be playing this game. You might not know anyone who is. But there must be someone, because that community’s been fueling the efforts of DDOcast for years. This long-running podcast is well over 400 episodes with no sign of stopping.
3. Guild Wars 2
It seems that everyone has strong opinions on Guild Wars 2, which makes this game great fuel for some passionate podcasts. Relics of Orr, Guild Wars Reporter, and GuildMag are on the case with insightful commentary and analysis.
4. Lord of the Rings Online
How are you expecting to walk into Mordor without a full iPod? Fortunately, podcasts like LOTRO Reporter and LOTRO Players’ entire roster have you covered. Now you just might want to do something about that ring…
5. WildStar
There’s a lot of chatter these days about WildStar, so podcast lovers have plenty of shows from which to choose (or, hey, listen to them all!). There’s WildStar Radio, Geeks of Nexus, Strange Tales from Outer Space, and WildCast to keep you warm and cozy on a Nexus night.
6. The Secret World
Right now there’s only one TSW podcast that’s running, but it’s been doing so for a long, long time. Beyond the Veil is a great insight into the lore and mechanics of the game that’s often enriched by developer interviews.
7. Final Fantasy XIV
A good — but not ironclad — rule of thumb with podcasts is that the more popular the game, the more shows out there devoted to covering it. Makes sense, right? So naturally, Final Fantasy XIV is swarming with options, such as Limit Break Radio, Aetheryte Radio, FFXIV Realm Podcast, Gather Together, Sequence Break, and Chocobo Knights.
8. Star Trek Online
There’s not even a question about your destination for this game’s podcast home — it’s Priority One Podcast or get out, foo! There used to be several others, actually, but the crowd has dwindled down to just the one. Fortunately, it’s a terrific ‘cast with an experienced crew at the helm.
9. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Yeah, you’re not going to be hurting for episodes from a galaxy far, far away. Where shall we begin? What about TOROcast or Beyond the Stars? HOPE Cast or OotiniCast? Old Republic Radio or New Overlords? Corellian Run Radio or Bad Feeling Podcast? Galactic Gamers Coalition or Mos Eisley Radio? What, you need more at this point?
10. General interest MMO shows
Not every MMO podcast is devoted to a single game, of course. There are three networks out there that feature several ‘casts with a wide range of commentary and focus: Virgin Worlds, MMO Reporter, and TGENetwork. Hint: Don’t miss out on Battle Bards, the best MMO music podcast in the biz!