I’ve noticed a pattern in my MMO play the last year or so. Ever since jumping into Star Wars Galaxies Legends last year, I’ve been doing a lot of crafting and housing content there, as that’s what it’s best at. But its combat still leaves a lot to be desired, so I often find myself gravitating away from my favorite MMOs with a lot of building or fluff content, like Trove and Elder Scrolls Online, and toward MMOs with more combat-centric play.
That’s meant Guild Wars 2 and City of Heroes have been the beneficiaries of my combat play more than anything this year, and I think it’s because they fill a hole in SWGL for me, while on the flipside of that, I haven’t had a whole lot of urge to go back to Ultima Online, which was also heavy on “lifeskiller” types of content.
Do you ever play MMOs in pairs or combination that have a specific sort of synergy?