Perfect Ten: The MMO races that nobody ever seems to choose


Just because an MMORPG offers a wide array of character options doesn’t mean that player interest will be equally divided among them. We’ve long known that plain Jane humans are the consistently most popular MMO races, with other attractive forms vying for the top spot.

But who dwells at the bottom of the popularity ladder when it comes to the character creation screen? For today’s list, we’ll be looking at the MMO races that nobody (or practically nobody) seems to ever choose when rolling a character. Maybe it’s not “zero,” but these races are rare enough so that when they appear in the game world, you actually stop to marvel at that player’s bravery.

Lord of the Rings Online: Dwarves

Here’s the thing about Dwarves in LOTRO: There’s nothing that wrong with them, other than their odd bow-legged stance. They look cool, they have the best catchphrases, and their beards are as long as they are luxurious. Yet they’re criminally underrepresented because this MMO already boasts an iconic “short” race, not to mention that Tolkein’s female Dwarves look pretty much identical to the males (at least in our character creation options). As a result, they don’t get picked quite as much, although MOP’s own Chris is rocking out with his Dwarf Captain right now.

Star Wars Galaxies: Sullustans

I give major props to Star Wars Galaxies for offering, Day One, a great array of this IP’s more fantastic races. You could Mon Calamari or Trandoshan it up, if you so desired. But nobody seemed to rush over to the Sullustan option. You know these guys as the droopy-faced alien that co-piloted the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi. I always thought they look like they’ve killed someone else and put that person’s face on top of their own. In any case, where’s our Sullustan Jedi already?

Elder Scrolls Online: Half-Orcs

Not every MMO offers up Orkish options on the racial menu, and Elder Scrolls Online shows why this is: They’re not popular at all. At all. They simply don’t check off any of the boxes that make for a fun race: attractive looks, a strong following in the genre, or a fan fondness stemming from nostalgia. I mean, I’m sure they appeal to the people who really want to feel unique for their pick, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Half-Orc player in the decade I’ve played this MMO.

World of Warcraft: Dracthyr

While this might change in the future as the Dracthyr receive more class options, World of Warcraft’s newest class never took up with the fanbase. Honestly, I don’t blame the concept so much as the art style. These dragon-people look… off in their presentation, a little too scrawny and awkward, especially in contrast to how Dracthyr NPCs are shown in the last expansion.

EverQuest: Ogres

Yeah, so, I get why you might pick an ugly race. The “so ugly it’s cute” phenomenon does come into play sometimes, and maybe you enjoy going a completely different direction than the rest of the crowd. But there’s ugly and there’s EverQuest Ogre ugly, which is a complete category in and of itself. You roll up one of these, and you’re going to have a lot of worried friends come up to you and ask if you’re OK and need an intervention.

Final Fantasy XIV: Roegadyn

Plus-sized characters often face headwinds in appealing to players’ hearts, especially when they’re in a game full of svelte and ultra-attractive races. So while there’s a lot to be said in favor of the majesty and uniqueness of the lime green jolly giants of FFXIV, it’s so hard to compete against catgirls and bunnyboys. Then again, at least their necks aren’t seven feet long.

Neverwinter: Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn

“Wait a minute, Justin!” you protest. “Metal dragons are so… metal! Why wouldn’t people play these?” And to that I would reply, “Because this is Cryptic, my friend, and this race is tucked away inside a lockbox.” And then you’d go, “Oh. Of course. Let’s be best friends forever.” And then I would have a new BFF.

Star Trek Online: Talaxian

According to Cryptic’s infographic five years into this game’s history, the Talaxians — the race that includes the despised Neelix from Star Trek Voyager — were almost never rolled. There isn’t a lot of evidence suggesting that this has changed, with the dorky Pakleds becoming a cult favorite in the fandom.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Togruta

Personally, I think that this race with its head-slug and painted masks ends up being very striking and an underappreciated pick, but it’s certainly not one that you see that often. Players who want tentacles have at least two other more attractive racial picks, and that head model keeps helmets from being shown. Hang in there, Togrutas!

EverQuest II: Troll

If you’ve seen pictures of these, then you know that you’ve got to have a real soft spot (or an odd fetish) for extreme ugliness. I mean, good for SOE for including a wide range of unconventional looks in this MMO’s character roster, but my eyes start going crossed when I think about a situation where someone looks at the Troll option and says that this is what they want to be for the next 500 hours of game time.

Everyone likes a good list, and we are no different! Perfect Ten takes an MMO topic and divvies it up into 10 delicious, entertaining, and often informative segments for your snacking pleasure. Got a good idea for a list? Email us at or with the subject line “Perfect Ten.”
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