Kicking off this week’s roundup of MMO blog posts, we’ll hop over to Dragonchasers where Pete is ecstatic to share the revelation that Final Fantasy XIV may be the most solo-friendly MMO of them all.
“Then I learned that this week the FFXIV patch drops that brings the Trust system (tho they call it something else) to the original A Realm Reborn stages of the game. What this means is you can do the ‘story dungeons’ solo with a group of NPCs. PERFECT.”
Read on for more essays, including goofs in Guild Wars 2, the pain of a guild breakup, a voyage in Valheim, and more!
Tales of the Aggronaut looked at the lighter side of Guild Wars 2: “Sometimes you don’t have to look terribly far to find nonsense in games… sometimes it finds you. Mistlock Sanctuary is an extremely handy place to have access to, and honestly half of the time it becomes the unofficial guild hall of Greysky Armada given that it tends to be where we all meet up on the regular. It is essentially a tightly condensed area that has all of the vendors and services that you might need from a town, and allows you to teleport right back to where you were before entering. It becomes a hangout spot for lots of folks within the Guild Wars 2 community, including apparently a group of Thundershrimps.”
Priest with a Cause shared the painful dissolution of a WoW Classic guild: “Part of me wanted to just move on and not spend any more time thinking about it at all. I reminded myself that it’s just a game and that I’ve got plenty of other things going on, but my brain and heart insisted that they cared and couldn’t just let go on command, so I guess writing this is one part of me processing the situation.”
The Ancient Gaming Noob went on a “voyage of discovery” in Valheim: “Of course, the algorithm that runs the game can’t stand that sort of thing. Our calm voyage was interrupted by a storm almost before we got out of sight of our starting point. The sea rose and fell, the rain came down, and lightning split the sky as we made our way northward along the coast.”
Inventory Full really, really, really wants a hammer from Super Adventure Box: “The Hammer is among the best I’ve seen in the game, ever. As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it, even though I don’t have a single character that regularly uses a hammer. Always providing it wasn’t going to feel too much like hard work to get it, obviously.”
Going Commando admits to “no nostalgia” for SWTOR’s Fallen Empire expansions: “Basically, I think that in hindsight KotFE and KotET are actually quite a bit worse than I perceived them to be at the time, at least in terms of how the plot treats the player character, and in terms of hours of build-up that just end up being wasted.”
Chasing Dings has a few words to say about that Star Trek NFT game: “But all this stuff EXISTS already. You can just play Star Trek Online. You can make whatever captain you like, customize your starship however you like and even get a collection of them, collect and customize crew, even make your own starbase. It’s even free-to-play. You can get everything Star Trek NFTs will ever give you, for free, right now. Except that it won’t be an NFT.”