What happens when not one, but two major MMO expansions drop on the same week? The world goes insane and players freak out in a good way. Also, it gives the podcasters plenty to talk about! This week Larry and Justin discuss the launches of Heart of Thorns and Knights of the Fallen Empire with a dash of Halloween tossed in for flavor.
It’s the Massively OP Podcast, an action-packed hour of news, tales, opinions, and gamer emails! And remember, if you’d like to send in your own letter to the show, use the “Tips” button in the top-right corner of the site to do so.
Show notes:
- Adventures in MMOs: WildStar, Star Trek Online, SWTOR
- News: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns’ launch
- News: SWTOR: Knights of the Fallen Empire early access
- News: MMO Halloween is here
- News: EVE Vegas 2015
- News: ArcheAge nixes blockades
Other info:
- Download Episode 35
- Podcast theme: “Peace, The Jedi Consular” from SWTOR
- Your show hosts: Larry and Justin
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, and Pocket Casts
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitch
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