In this past weekend’s Make My MMO, we noted we were keeping a close eye on Temtem, a clearly Pokemon-inspired “massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure.” It hit Kickstarter last week and at the time was really close to its $70,000 goal. I’m happy to report today that it has now zipped past that goal and will assuredly fund; as I type this, it’s closing in on $100,000 with almost a month still to go.
“The days of traveling solo are over; in Temtem the world is a massively multiplayer one. Tamers from around the world can join and you will be able to see them around you, living the adventure with you and fighting to become the best Temtem tamer. Chill with strangers, make new friends and battle them or trade your goodies; the dynamic online world is full of possibilities.”
Stretch goals are naturally in order as the game keeps attracting funding. At $90K, contributors unlocked what is basically a hardmode roguelike ruleset; at $120K, devs are eyeing arcade-style minigames.
“We’re not hiding the fact that we’re heavily inspired by [Pokemon], and that our plans for Temtem are basically to make the Pokémon game we’ve always wanted to play,” Spanish studio Crema says in its thank-you-for-funding-us update. “We wanted to make that clear in our presentation video, and that’s why there are some scenes that are very similar to the ones you’re familiar with in Pokémon. That said, we’re looking forward to changing some of the things that are maybe too close to Pokémon (the trainer intro, the evolution scene…) and giving Temtem more personality to stand on its own.”
As we previously covered, the game boasts adorable graphics and critters, a breeding system, housing, character customization, a story campaign, and yes, a co-op online world to romp in. Just bear in mind that when this studio says “massively multiplayer,” it’s not saying it’s your standard WoW clone.
“When you think about an MMO or MMORPG you probably think of enormous games like World of Warcraft or TERA, in which you have an endless array of possibilities (raids, guild wars, infinite quests, enormous dungeons, a never-ending realm…) but our vision for Temtem is a lot smaller than that. The core idea behind Temtem is to build a classic adventure game with a focus on the story campaign, but with online elements added around it (seeing other people online, interacting with them to battle, trade, or just to talk and share experiences).”
As I was prepping this post, my toddler came over and tried to push these skill icons on my screen. They’re hypercute, right?