The MOP Up: Gnomeland Security orders EQ2’s Tinkerfest (July 22, 2018)


The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!

Maybe you’ll discover a new game in this space — or be reminded of an old favorite! This week we have stories and videos from HearthstoneDC Universe OnlineElswordEverQuest IIWild TerraRiders of IcarusDauntlessRealm RoyalePokemon GoEscape from TarkovWar of Rights, and EVE Online, all waiting for you after the break!

New Games and Testing



  • War of Rights: March into Update 115, where the Garibaldi Guards show up to fight and officers are forced to stick with their teams.
  • Dauntless: This past week’s small patch helps to lay the groundwork for a much bigger one coming in August.

Odds and Ends


Get nearly 10 minutes of exciting Elsword updates from the dev team:

Realm Royale is ready to play with the big boys — the big e-sports boys, that is:

Icarus M got a new Korean trailer:

The first Scav boss has arrived in the fledgling Escape from Tarkov:

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