Progress apparently continues on Chronicles of Elyria spin-off game Kingdoms of Elyria, as outlined in Soulbound Studios’ latest dev blog. The studio has recapped everything accomplished – and not accompanished – as of the second milestone. Notably, Soulbound says it succeeded in plans to introduce ambient and UI sound-effects, add Chronicles of Elyria music temporarily, implement new NPC types and animals, and improve the biodiversity. A lot of these bits have been imported from Chronicles of Elyria.
But it wasn’t all so rosy. “We ran into a few technical hurdles on the dynamic AI system which occupied quite a bit of our time,” Soulbound says. “As a result, we ran out of time before being able to make significant progress on porting the contract system from CoE and implementing the new contract UI. At the moment, the contract system is missing from KoE.” The fog of war feature has also been “deprioritized.”
The studio also says it hopes to sort out alpha invite issues this week, so if you’re an Elyria backer and you’re still willing to test, keep an eye out for that, as well as for the next video.
“I’ll be launching the game and then going feature-by-feature demonstrating what’s working and what isn’t. This is partly to make sure those not participating in the Alpha Test are still able to follow along with our progress, and partly to set expectations for the Alpha Testers. We’re only about 25% of the way done with KoE so we don’t want people going in expecting a complete game.”