The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!
This week’s headline story is word that a beach party has arrived in Chronicles: RuneScape Legends as part of a patch that also contains a new legend and 37 additional cards. But wouldn’t those cards get soggy at a beach?
We’ve got plenty of other news tidbits for you after the jump, including stories from Age of Conan, Pantheon, Guild Wars 2, and Star Trek Online. What are you waiting for?
New Games and Testing
- Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Visionary Realms elected a new non-executive member of the board of directors. Spoiler: It’s not you. Unless your name is David Reitman. And even then, it’s probably the other David Reitman.
- Shroud of the Avatar: If you’re an audiobook fan, you can get this game’s prequel novel, The Sword of Midras, now on Audible.
- Vindictus: There’s a new mobile version of Mabinogi Heroes (aka Vindictus) coming to China as an action RPG. Will it come out in the west? Stay tuned!
- Raw Data: Check out this interesting “technothriller” VR game that’s now in early access. The full game should be out by the end of the year.
- MU Origin: This mobile spin-off is set to launch on July 28th, but it is taking pre-registrations right now!
- Age of Conan: A small hotfix addressed a few issues with the newly introduced raid finder.
- SMITE: A mid-season hotfix patch comes with a new hero (Erlang Shen: The illustrious sage) and activated the return of the Summer of SMITE.
- Ultima Online: The team is testing out a change to mortal strike.
- DC Universe Online: Episode 26 is currently in testing and features “Kandor Central Tower” (an eight-player Raid) and “Wayne Manor Gala” (a two-player duo).
- Aion: Changes to characters’ faces in the most recent patch has some players raising Cain. [Thanks imayb1!]
- Toram Online: To celebrate this mobile game’s first anniversary, the team is activating seven “special campaigns” starting today. [source: press release]
- Skyforge: A massive Battle of Equals team PvP contest is coming — and includes a spectator mode.
Odds and Ends
- Star Trek Online: Due to a bug, the team is forbidding players from placing links to external URLs in the game chat windows. [Thanks Anon!]
- Trion Worlds: If you’re a fan of Trion and a fan content creator, then check out this new Trion Worlds Creator Program through which you can earn some extra rewards and publicity for your projects.
- Mabinogi: The confusingly named Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] anime is doing a strange cross-over with this MMO.
- Kabam: The studio behind Star Wars Uprising recently went through a round of layoffs at its San Fancisco office.
- Guild Wars 2: More notes from Taimi in this cheeky little lore piece.
- Elder Scrolls Legends: Get some advice on how to build an agility-based deck using the Argonians and Wood Elves with this dev blog.
Rose is the star of this latest Elsword video, as she shows off her Valkyrie and Freyja path. It’s pretty badass!
The Saga of Lucimia team have another dev video, this one talking about “ensured content progression” — always making sure that players have some way to be constantly moving forward.
Closers is getting a new character this week: A heavily armed teenage agent.
Don’t let MapleStory 2’s adorable characters fool you into thinking that they’re peaceful beings. Case in point, the Striker class, which is being shown off in Korea right now:
Steparu graced us with some gameplay footage of Dragon’s Dogma Online’s Battle Alchemist. What’s next, a Battle Pharmacist?