I have nothing but deep respect for cosplayers because on two levels they are performing activities that I cannot. First of all, they put together incredible outfits that must take hours and hours of painstaking research and skill (not to mention money!) to assemble. And second, they go out in public and subject themselves to a nonstop barrage of stares and pictures.
As with any other geeky field, MMOs have attracted their fair share of cosplayers over the years. Today we’re going to look at 10 amazing outfits and the people who both put them together and wore them proudly.
1. Firefall battleframe
Miss_Rosi has many pictures of this incredible getup on her instagram account, including a pre-assembly shot.
2. World of Warcraft Dwarf
This detailed getup at Gamescom this year won one tough-looking “Dwarf” a trip to BlizzCon.
3. EverQuest Froglok
Darth Vader and Yoda knew that they were outmatched the second this Fan Faire ’08 Froglok stepped into the room.
4. Wizard101 Fire Elf and Fire Mage
Who’s cuter: a little boy in a Fire Elf outfit or a little boy in a Fire Mage costume? Don’t make us choose!
5. Guild Wars 2 Norn
Professional artist Kamui takes her cosplay very seriously and even posts a schedule of her convention appearances around the world.
6. RuneScape monsters
RuneFest has its own costume contest, and some fans sacrifice mobility and air conditioned comfort to look this impressive.
7. Star Trek Online officer
Star Trek Online has costumes that often are so much cooler than seen in the TV shows and movies. Here one fans dons his to pilot the Enterprise-D.
8. Star Citizen recruitment ad
Who says that you can only cosplay for games that have been released? Gamer Rayzer is all about recruiting for the UEE Navy with his fake posters.
9. Warhammer Online Dark Elf Sorceress
And who says you can’t enjoy some cosplay of an MMO that has since departed us? Don’t mess with this one — “dark” is in her name, after all.
10. Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Satele Shan
The Force is strong with this cosplayer indeed. Her outfit is impressive, most impressive.
Which of all these did you think was the best? Sound off in the comments!