Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you’ll never have time to play, for Steam’s summer sale is upon us once again! As part of Steam’s annual extravaganza, the platform is selling many MMOs and packages at a discount:
- H1Z1 early access is 25% off at $15 (daily deal too)
- Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown is 50% off at $15
- DCUO Ultimate Edition is 25% off as is its power bundle
- Elite: Dangerous is 10% off at $54
- The Secret World is 50% off at $15, and don’t forget the Fall of Tokyo pack
- ARK: Survival Evolved is 17% off at $24.89
We’ve got even more deals for you after the jump!
- RIFT’s storm soul pack, ultimate nightmare edition, infusion edition, and dream soul pack are 50% to 75% off (and the official website has these sales too)
- The Crew is 40% off at $36
- The Crew speed car pack is 40% off and it’s also offering a season pass for $15
- PlanetSide 2 has several packs for 15% off apiece
- WAKFU’s Jiva pack is 50% off
- Perpetuum is 50% off at $15
- Dragon’s Prophet’s frost ritual pack is $3.34
- Star Trek Online: Delta Rising packs are 20%-40% off
- Nether is 60% off at $4
- EVE Online’s industrialist add-on and colonist add-on are 50% off each
- City of Steam’s ultra diamond bundle is $40; Arkadia is 50% off
- Defiance has a trio of packs that are 60% off each
- DayZ is 15% off
- The Repopulation is 25% off at $15
- Ascent: The Space Game is 20% off at $16
- Dungeons and Dragons Online is 75% off
- TERA Summer Sale 2015 Pack 75% off
- Several of LOTRO’s parks are 75% off
- Neverwinter bundles are 20-50% off
- APB: Reloaded packs are 35%-40% off
- War Thunder is 50% off
- Warframe is 50% off
See any other great deals? Post them in the comments section! Thanks to everyone who’s contributed!
2015-06-15 9:38:31 AM EDT: Updated with more thanks to Ageofmyth!