Make My MMO: Pricing shifts for Shroud of the Avatar, Embers Adrift, and Ashes of Creation

All according to keikaku or something

Would you pay $27 for a subscription to an MMORPG? Lord British’s tiny and controversial crowdfunded MMO Shroud of the Avatar is going to test that theory, as it’s added two new monthly sub pledges in addition to the existing one, meaning players could choose to pay as much as $27 for their monthly sub in exchange for bonuses.

SOTA wasn’t even the only crowdfunded MMORPG to tinker with its pricing plan over the last few weeks; Ashes of Creation retooled its alpha bundles after a player uproar over what are effectively fees for testing the game.

Meanwhile, Embers Adrift locked in its new lower price, The Repopulation’s newest owners claimed to bring it back online, both Temtem and Zenith issued their last content updates, and we actually kinda liked Fractured. Plus, we’re watching the Kickstarter for Outbound, a cozy co-op camping game that will have met its goal many times over by the time its Kickstarter ends next week.

Read on for more on what’s been up with MMO crowdfunding over the last few weeks, plus our roundup of all the crowdfunded MMOs we’re following!

Ashes of Creation

Recent MMO crowdfunding news

Elite Dangerous

Campaigns and crowdfunded MMOs we’re watching

Holy crap it launched Holy crap it launched
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In the development dungeons In development
It's dead, Jim Dead or abandoned
Drama bomb

Star Citizen

Yes, some crowdfunded MMOs most definitely do succeed. But others crash and burn, and you need to hear about the whole spectrum of games that sought your money early in exchange for the promise of input and transparency. And that’s exactly what Make My MMO does several times a month. Help us keep ’em accountable, would ya?
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