Home MMORPG Tree of Savior launch roundup

    Tree of Savior launch roundup

    Battle Bards Episode 200: Battle Bards Bicentennial! - Can you believe it? The Battle Bards have hit 200 amazing episodes! Join Steff, Syl, and Syp as they take a victory lap around the field of MMO music, sharing their personal soundtrack discoveries and listeners’…
    Battle Bards Episode 171: Forest Tales 2 - Hitch up your shorts, buckle your boots, and step into another deep forest of MMORPG music with the Battle Bards! As diverse as the woods are in virtual worlds, so too are these tracks that attempt…
    Battle Bards Episode 144: Colors of the rainbow - Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet: Combined, these forces create the awesome power of Roy G. Biv — otherwise known as the rainbow! In today’s experimental episode of the Battle Bards, Steff, Syl, and…
    Perfect Ten: The 10 most adorable MMORPGs ever - We all like to think of ourselves as cultured and deep individuals who routinely calculate square roots and recite Gilbert and Sullivan at dinner parties, but the truth is that we spend an inordinate amount of…
    Battle Bards Episode 140: Piano piano! - It’s one of the most powerful and versatile of musical instruments, and now the piano is getting its own featured show here on Battle Bards! The crew re-assembles, not to avenge, but to uplift beautiful, striking,…
    Jukebox Heroes: Mabinogi’s six best music tracks - When evaluating an eastern MMORPG that boasts a huge soundtrack, I am often filled with a mixture of dread and anticipation at the start of such projects. There's always the possibility that the score might end…
    Tree of Savior runs dual promotional events - If you have nothing better to do this week, why not check out Tree of Savior? The action-RPG MMO is looking to recruit brand-new players and is running a promotional campaign to seduce lonely souls into…
    Battle Bards Episode 93: It’s a madhouse! - It’s taken this long, but the Battle Bards have gone completely and irreversibly insane in the membrane! Today the team cracks open the door of the MMO music funhouse to see what off-kilter, crazy, and manic…
    Perfect Ten: Mobile MMOs coming in 2017 - This past year, we couldn't seem to go a week without bumping into news of some new mobile MMO or a tablet spin-off of some existing franchise. It seems as though the mobile market is still…
    Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2016 - As you're gobble, gobbling up food today, rooting for your favorite football team, and enduring the uncomfortable political conversations at the dinner table, you might be tempted to take some time to play MMOs during this…
    Massively OP’s guide to MMO Halloween 2016 - "Two things I did on Hallows Night: / Made my house April-clear / Left open wide my door / to the ghosts of the year."  ~ "All Hollows Night" by Lizette Woodworth Reese Is your door open…
    Perfect Ten: Comparing Druids across MMORPGs - If I asked you what a Mage is in an MMORPG, what would you say? Some cloth-wearing gal who lugs around a long staff and flings fireballs (or other elemental chunks) at bad guys. What about Rogues? Stealthy…
    Tree of Savior spotlights the Swordsman - "Dear Massively OP," we fully expect a fan to email us, "Today I was disturbed and perplexed at the sight of a jouster sitting on a Pokemon stabbing a giant raccoon in the back on your…
    Tree of Savior re-opens its servers to new players - Earlier this month, Tree of Savior took the drastic step of removing itself from Steam and shutting the doors to any new players. This was done in response to problems with server instability, lag, and a…
    Tree of Savior bans another 5000 exploiters for UI hack - Another week, another wave of mass-bannings in Tree of Savior. IMCGames announced yesterday that it's banned 5,607 accounts that were using a UI hack that allowed them to remotely access the market, repairs, personal storage, and…
    Choose My Adventure: Revenge of the CMA - Hello, friends, and welcome to the long-overdue return of Choose My Adventure. I don’t have a lot to say in the way of preamble, for once in my life. You guys know how this works: You…
    Tree of Savior is temporarily blocking new players - If you're planning on hopping into Tree of Savior and haven't done it yet, better get on it quickly. IMCGames has announced today that it's asked Valve to block new players on Steam while it sorts out issues…
    Tree of Savior has officially launched - Tree of Savior is officially free-to-play and ready to download on Steam as of today's maintenance. "This means that our DLC products will no longer be available for purchase," says IMCGames. "Instead, we will be launching…
    Tree of Savior delays launch to May 10 - Tree of Savior's spring rollout has been anything but smooth. The isometric import has weathered numerous storms over the past few months, including rampant cheating and instance instability. The team announced last week that it would…
    Tree of Savior banned over 3000 cheaters today - Best not try to cheat your way through Tree of Savior -- IMC Games is having none of that. The studio told players this morning that it has blocked 1394 bots and banned an additional 1678…
    Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with huge class rosters - After talking with Mark Jacobs the other week about the difficulty of balancing Camelot Unchained's 30 classes, it got my mind thinking of MMOs that don't merely stop with a half-dozen or so classes in their…
    Tree of Savior puts its early access to player vote - The Tree of Savior devs are reworking their plans for early access based on player "feedback." IMCGAMES says that its three-month exclusive access plan was conceived from concern over stability once the international audience stampedes the…
    Tree of Savior offers server choice to Oceania players - Tree of Savior players in Singapore and Malaysia have a serious, deadly, world-shattering choice to make. OK, it's not that dire, although it is a little interesting. IMC Games said that it is allowing players from…
    Tree of Savior will boast 53 classes at launch - Were you impressed at Camelot Unchained's promise of goal of creating 30 classes? Well prepare to feed your inner altoholic even further with Tree of Savior, as the upcoming Korean import will field a whopping 53…
    Watch Tree of Savior’s G-Star trailer - It seems as though Tree of Savior is really gathering positive word of mouth as of late, with beta testers gushing about the incoming Nexon title. Now you can watch the three-and-a-half minute G-Star trailer yourself and get…
    Tree of Savior’s Korean open beta starts next month - Tree of Savior's open beta is starting this December... in South Korea. The news comes to us from Steparu, who posted about a Tree of Savior advertisement that was recently sighted in the wild. The print hypes up the game's…
    Tree of Savior closed beta 2 begins on October 27 - The next Tree of Savior English closed beta test is right around the corner. On the official site, the team announced that the second closed beta test for the beautiful isometric game will commence on October 27th…
    Tree of Savior preps for larger closed beta - Tree of Savior's English beta is about to get even more intense, with a larger test being readied to launch sometime in October. The second English CBT will run for a month and include both prior…
    Tree of Savior kicks off English testing on August 4th - Attention, hopeful Tree of Savior fans who have been scanning the horizon, desperately pining for a boat to arrive bearing word about the game's future as an English release: You should stop doing that. For one…
    Tree of Savior touts official English website - Tree of Savior supporters who've been following the development of the game as it's moved around the globe to the western market may want to bookmark the official English site to keep tabs on updates and…
    Tree of Savior gets a huge English FAQ - Got a lot of questions about Tree of Savior? We bet you do, you curious kitten you. Well now it's time to get them answered, as IMC Games has posted a 139-question (and growing) English FAQ…
    Tree of Savior lands on Steam Greenlight - Will Tree of Savior get the thumbs-up from the gaming community? That's the big question now that the Korean title has landed on Steam Greenlight and is attempting to garner votes from players to become a…
    Tree of Savior’s beta is really a beta - Are you wondering what to make of quirky Korean import Tree of Savior? Steparu's been playing the beta, and he has a lot to report in terms of both textual impressions and video footage. The beta…
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