The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!
Like bagpipes, dancing, and small little furry creatures that come in packs of three? Then head on over to Allods Online, where the Gibberling Festival is raging through May 6th. If that’s not your jam, then we’ve got stories from Dungeons and Dragons Online, Neverwinter, War Thunder, and more after the break!
New Games and Testing
- Duelyst: Looking a competitive game that melds card mechanics and turn-based tabletop action? Duelyst might hit the spot, especially with its short game sessions. [Thanks Dorn2!]
- The Wild Eight: You’re the sole survivor of a plane crash in the wild and you have to try to make it on your own. This survival game is trying to raise funds for full development and has a free demo available to show off its potential.
- Boundless: The game formerly known as Oort Online is making progress, especially with the transition from one programming language to another.
- Battleborn: This multiplayer coop shooter is launching on May 3rd, and the dev team has a rundown of what you should expect when the game goes live. [Thanks Siphaed!]
- Grim Dawn: Unleash your inner modder with this robust assortment of tools for the ARPG! These are the same tools that the devs used to make the game.
- DDO: The next update is on the test server for players to examine. The name of Update 31? Gnomework!
- RPG MO: This indie sandbox recently released a patch that is all about bows, arrows, fletching, and quivers! [Thanks Kyosa and Baldrio!]
- HEX: The game’s fourth card set, Primal Dawn, is now live. This expansion includes 325 new cards and six additional heroes. [Source: press release]
- City of Heroes: Check out the epilogue (with pictures!) from the community’s 12th birthday celebration of this late great MMO.
Odds and Ends
- War Thunder: The devs are re-examining how they look at battle ratings for vehicle performance, which is leading into the creation of a “World War” mode for the game. [Thanks Boris!]
- Trion Worlds: The MMO studio is looking for testers to try out Glyph’s new beta. Are you in?
- League of Legends: On the same note, Riot Games wants help poking around the new League of Legends alpha client that’s on tap for later this year.
- Neverwinter: If you buy a six-month VIP package, the game will throw in a new Paranoid Delusion companion for your troubles.
- Gunjack: How will CCP’s turret shooter lead to the future of virtual reality? In an interview the studio hints at how the game is but the first step on a path forward.
- Path of Exile: The developers share their favorite player-created hideouts and talk about the process of creating level design for the ARPG.
- World of Warcraft: What does Lion’s Pride Inn look like in the upcoming movie? There’s a quick tour if you’re interested — and we know you are.
- DC Universe Online: Following the Xbox One launch, Daybreak is striving to increase server capacity to meet the demand.
- Skyforge: What is the mysterious Facility 902? Find out in this new lore entry!
What’s Ghostworld? It’s a spooky new zone in Portal Knights that you’re definitely not old enough to witness. Go back to cartoons and leave the spectral world to the grown-ups!
Tier 10 vehicles are coming to Armored Warfare on May 3rd, but you won’t have to wait until then to get your first look at these epic machines.