Did anybody read a damn thing other than City of Heroes rogue server news this week? Because so much happened! Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr started testing! We scored first impressions of Pagan Online! Torchlight Frontiers announced a new class that summons a freakin’ ghost train! Atlas Reactor is sunsetting! Ack, wait, no, that last one is bad.
But yes, also the City of Heroes rogue server thing happened too. Obviously, we can’t advise you to go do anything illegal, but if you’re itching to dig in, Reddit and Discord are the best places to learn how. Have fun storming the castle sewers!
Read on to catch up with the very best of this week’s MMO news and opinions today as every Sunday in Massively Overpowered’s
Week in Review!
City of Heroes’ Homecoming just outlawed video of their rogue servers
City of Heroes Homecoming players have racked up over 47 million hours
NCsoft follows up City of Heroes code copyright filing with fresh trademark application
Massively OP’s 2019 Awards: Biggest MMO Surprise
City of Heroes: Homecoming kicks off the winter season in its latest patch
City of Heroes: Homecoming patches in the third part of Issue 26 with new stories and powers
City of Heroes’ Homecoming announces Issue 26 Page 3, Halloween content, and collab with other rogue servers
City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers are now blocking copyright-infringing characters
City of Heroes Homecoming is now banning accounts for… real-money trading
TonyV leaves City of Heroes NCsoft negotiations, resigns from Titan Network
City of Heroes: Homecoming plays with Rage crashes, PvP stuns, and Tanker powers on the test server
City of Heroes Homecoming asks players what they want from a licensed server
City of Heroes Homecoming players have rolled almost a million toons to date
City of Heroes Homecoming adjusts snipes and Dominator powers with the latest patch
Today’s City of Heroes’ Homecoming patch future-proofs the rogue servers for Mac players
City of Heroes’ Homecoming Team finally posted a new beta patch after months of public quiet
City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers have joined the Titan Network/NCsoft negotiations
Catching up with City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers as NCsoft negotiations continue
One of City of Heroes’ rogue servers, Reborn/Pleiades, was just shut down by its operator
City of Heroes: Homecoming hit 100K players as another donation round funds
Perfect Ten: 10 things I’d love to see added to City of Heroes in the rogue server era
City of Heroes: Homecoming adds numerical power cooldowns, nerfs Death from Below, adds User Agreement
City of Heroes: Community harassment ramps up as Homecoming counts 91,000 players
Perfect Ten: Helpful tips for returning to City of Heroes in 2019
City of Heroes: All the public servers we know of, plus Reddit’s launch and Homecoming’s name release
City of Heroes: Homecoming concurrency, Rebirth and Reddit’s i24 servers, and the future of basebuilding
City of Heroes: Homecoming’s new home, EU players, multiboxing, SEGS, and… piglets
City of Heroes rogue server teams activate i24 PTS, prep for tomorrow’s Homecoming server moves
City of Heroes community forms Round Table as Homecoming rogue servers count over 56,000 players
City of Heroes’ Homecoming servers port to Canada this weekend, server status page is live
Leaderboard: Would you donate for a City of Heroes rogue server?
City of Heroes: New servers, Discord drama, and Homecoming gets $6900 in donations in 20 minutes
City of Heroes’ Homecoming rogue servers will offer character transfers after all
City of Heroes now has a fifth rogue server live as Homecoming buffs up and work on i24 continues
City of Heroes’ rogue servers nerf AE farms, boost XP, but can’t do character transfers
Two weeks in, City of Heroes has four rogue servers and heartwarmingly massive queues
Nearly 30K people have rolled City of Heroes rogue server accounts as the game turns 15 years old
Aaaaand now there’s a new temporary City of Heroes rogue server up
The Titan Network is negotiating to open a legal community-run City of Heroes server
City of Heroes’ first new rogue server shut down over a fake legal threat, but admins say it’s coming back
Leaderboard: Do you plan to play on a City of Heroes rogue server?
City of Heroes’ rogue servers may abandon character restoration as 14000 gamers register to play
Lawful Neutral: Is it safe to play on City of Heroes’ inevitable rogue servers?
The City of Heroes private server team has released its code [Update: The test server is live]
What’s going on with City of Heroes now: ‘This game is a unicorn’
Massively OP Podcast Episode 217: City of Heroes after dark
Into the Super-Verse: The death of the City of Heroes community
Leaderboard: Where do you stand on the ‘secret’ City of Heroes emulator?
‘Secret’ City of Heroes emulator operators address SCORE leak drama, rebut personal info database rumor
First impressions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr: Little cats fighting big lizards - After a week like this week, you might have forgotten that Elder Scrolls Online dropped its latest chapter on the public test server. Like the previous expansions Morrowind and Summerset,…
Not So Massively: First impressions from Pagan Online’s early access launch - Today, Wargaming's ARPG Pagan Online launches into early access on Steam. Just before this launch, the developers were kind enough to provide us with an invite to check out the…
Hyperspace Beacon: Why we’re excited about the SWTOR Onslaught announcement - Before the Star Wars: The Old Republic Community Cantina, millions of voices were crying out in terror: "We are never going to get any new content from SWTOR!" Those voices…
Gamigo is sunsetting Atlas Reactor this summer - It's not the Atlas in the news lately, but it's the one that MMO players knew first: Atlas Reactor is sunsetting this summer. Gamigo VP of Development Mervin Lee Kwai…
LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s festivals from worst to best - The schedule for Lord of the Rings Online's special events keeps us hopping most of the year-round, as Standing Stone Games weaves major festivals, bonus periods, and smaller activities (such…
Torchlight Frontiers’ new Railmaster is the most creative class MMOs have seen in years - CHOO CHOO all aboard the Torchlight Frontiers train. Yep, PWE this afternoon revealed a new class, the Railmaster. Now, I have no idea why you'd want to play anything but…
Tamriel Infinium: Are Elder Scrolls Online’s events too much of a good thing? - The Elder Scrolls Online players are suffering an embarrassment of riches at the moment. The 25th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls franchise coincides almost directly with the 5th anniversary of…
Flameseeker Chronicles: A PvE carebear’s guide to Guild Wars 2 WvW and the Warclaw - By now, you’ve probably seen this hulking, armored cat bounding around Tyria. No, not my Charr warrior; I mean Guild Wars 2's new Warclaw mount. If you love the cosmetic…
Heroes of the Storm player arrested for making terrorism threats in chat - On today's episode of Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes, a Heroes of the Storm player has been arrested and charged with making terrorist threats in the in-game chat of…
Guild Wars 2 is heavily overhauling some class’ elite specs in next week’s balance patch - Guild Wars 2 fans, are you ready for your favorite thing ever: a balance patch? Because that's coming next week along with the map tweaks, and ArenaNet dished on what…
Storyboard: Stop whining and accept your MMO plotline - I'm going to let you in on a very big and also very obnoxious secret. All right? No one is going to like hearing it, no one even likes saying…
Caravan Stories announces summer launch date for console - We almost had given up hope that we would ever see Caravan Stories make the jump from Japan to the west, but yesterday brought us the official confirmation. It is…
Disney reportedly in talks to acquire a controlling stake in Nexon - It looks like Nexon might be the next addition to Disney's ever-expanding roster of companies, according to a recent report. According to The Korea Herald, South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo…
Albion Online announces Outland map expansion coming next month - Last month, Albion Online dev Sandbox Interactive announced that it is working on a massive overhaul of the game's Outlands map, which will substantially increase the size of the world,…
Lord of the Rings Online rolls out a new Mac client - If you play MMOs on a Mac, you know all too well the limitations and hoops you must endure. While some online games don't support the Mac OS at all,…
Perfect Ten: MMOs for puzzle lovers - Ever find yourself complaining that all of the PvE content in your MMO is nothing but shooting something in the face or chopping down a tree (in its face)? That…
Peria Chronicles has announced its first test phase starting on May 9 - After a long silence, it looks like Peria Chronicles is finally moving into a state of active testing! Or it is soon, anyhow; registration for the game's first testing phase is…
Star Citizen patch 3.5 is now playable for all, including playing as a lady - At long last - seriously, it's been weeks of delay - everyone can play a female character in Star Citizen. Everyone who can play the game at all, that is,…
Ubisoft pledges half a million euros to Notre-Dame Cathedral reconstruction, gives away free games - In the wake of the tragic fire that caused extensive damage to the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral earlier this week, Ubisoft is stepping forward to lend financial aid to the restoration…
EVE Online’s CCP Games suggests the real-life politician it banned for insider trading might not be guilty after all - Earlier this month, we covered an emerging scandal in EVE Online: CCP Games had announced that it had removed a member of the current player body, the Council of Stellar…
ArenaNet says Guild Wars 2 is ‘still going strong’ and here to stay - ArenaNet's been pretty quiet, outside of Guild Wars 2 promotion, for the last two months since it was rocked by the layoffs of 143 employees and cancellation of two other…
Lucasfilm is currently developing an Old Republic movie or TV series - The Old Republic as a setting has tugged at fans' hearts since the early '90s. The interest in the ancient history of the Star Wars universe sprung from a simple…
Star Trek Online kicks off a new event with a free Tier 6 ship coupon as a reward - It's hard to find a single player in Star Trek Online who would say no to a free Tier 6 ship with no strings attached; these things are valuable. That's why…
World of Warcraft begins testing Patch 8.2: Rise of Azshara - Ready, set, test! A week after Blizzard unveiled the full offerings for World of Warcraft's next major content update, the studio rolled the 7.1 GB patch out on the test…
Hop behind the wheel of Prince Noctis’s Regalia in Final Fantasy XIV’s latest crossover event - The latest Final Fantasy XIV collaboration event, A Nocturne for Heroes, is revving up to go live tomorrow. Final Fantasy XV's heroic and totes glam protagonist Noctis will be crossing…
Choose My Adventure: The Slayer skill and the power of cabbage in RuneScape - Talk about a landslide decision. This round of adventuring for CMA saw my husband and I take up the Slayer path in RuneScape, which also saw us try out a…
Wizardry Online fans hope to ‘resurrect’ the permadeath dungeon crawler - Despite an impressive RPG pedigree that stretches back decades, the Wizardry franchise faltered when it came to breaking into the MMORPG market. Wizardry Online lived barely a few years in…
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood in review – The main scenario - All right. It's all over but the waiting, and that means it's time to start picking apart the Final Fantasy XIV expansion we're now on the back end of. Sure,…
Fan recreates classic Guild Wars’ Ascalon City in RPG Maker - Remaking your favorite online world in a different program seems to be a hobby of some fans, which is why we get (for example) World of Warcraft redone for MineCraft…
Not So Massively: Five things I love about Anthem - It is by now clear that Anthem had a fairly tortured road to launch. I don't wish to condone the clearly appalling conditions BioWare employees had to endure while developing…

Every week, get caught up on the MMO genre’s latest news and Massively OP’s best content in our
MMO Week in Review! Want more roundups of content? Try Friday’s
Betawatch for MMO testing highlights, Saturday’s
Make My MMO for MMO crowdfunding updates, and Sunday’s
The MOP Up, which mops up all the bits of news we didn’t cover anywhere else.