Earlier this month, the ever-popular Fortnite went dark for the better part of April 6th. So what happened? We finally have the full scoop thanks to a blog post by Epic Games.
“On April 6th, 2021, an issue with an expired certificate caused an outage across a large portion of internal back-end service-to-service calls and internal management tools,” Epic said. “What’s that mean? Well, it caused a number of issues for our games and services. And if you were playing Fortnite at the time, it likely impacted your Epic account’s ability to authenticate, and ultimately, your ability to play the game.”
And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have covered, drop us a tip)!
The latest experimental build for Osiris: New Dawn includes new biomes and foliage as well as some additional soundtrack music.
Bandai Namco just closed down its Santa Clara office and is moving its staff (if they elect) to Southern California. “Many view this essentially like a layoff,” the person said.
Realm of the Mad God’s new producer’s letter looks over the activities of the past year and ahead toward improvements to come.
Frozen Flame is bringing a poisonous area and some cooking improvements, hopefully not in the same immediate vicinity.
You can now play Fortnite, Warzone, and other select titles on the Xbox without Xbox Live Gold.
Prosperous Universe is going to feature player-led parliaments — but what will that look like? Find out in the latest dev diary.
“Starting April 15 we honor the Goddess Nui for her ultimate sacrifice when Auroria fell in the battle with Kyrios,” posted ArcheAge. Partake in the Hereafter Festival to dedicate this time to her and obtain goodies in return.”
The mobile Blade and Soul Revolution dropped its April update with two new zones, a spinning wheel event, integrated matching, and several quality-of-life improvements.
Conan Exiles brought Update 2.3 to consoles with a crafting and temperature overhaul while started testing Update 2.4.
A3: Still Alive brought out the Scholar to play — along with several promotions to mark the occasion.
EVE Online’s Project Discovery community project generated up a Webby Award nomination.
Call of Duty: Warzone, which now has passed 100 million total players, brought players back to 1984 with its Cold War update. “The new Warzone features massive changes, including new and reimagined locations, new gameplay options and deep optimizations across the entire map as nearly every building, surface and object has been touched to provide a more seamless gameplay experience.”
Vendetta Online made a number of server-side fixes for bugs and other background work related to upcoming (but unannounced projects).
What’s coming to PlayerUnknonwn’s Battlegrounds? It’s a pajama party:
This Dauntless dev diary goes behind-the-scenes on the Behemoth: