The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!
This week we have stories and videos from Dota 2, Destiny 2, Battleground Europe, ArcheAge, Orbus VR, Final Fantasy XI, Hearthstone, TERA, Tibia, Elsword Online, Osiris New Dawn, League of Legends, Astroneer, SMITE, Warframe, The Black Death, and Gloria Victis, all waiting for you after the break!
New Games and Testing
- The Black Death: One player put together a helpful guide to the game’s housing system. Time to move in!
- Osiris New Dawn: The Engineer and Marine official join the game’s class roster.
- Orbus VR: Closed Alpha 6 has begun, now with questing and weather!
- Destiny 2: VG247 went more in-depth about the franchise’s story and direction.
- Warframe: A huge new update adds a new playable warframe, Harrow, and a sweeping graphics overhaul.
- SMITE: The console edition recently patched up to 4.11: Code of Chivalry.
- Final Fantasy XI: Through July 11th, mobs have a chance to drop items that will help players craft desirable weapons.
- Dota 2: This year’s international tournament will be the first in the game’s history without a defending champion, due to last year’s team dissolving.
- ESL: The Electronic Sports League is restructuring, resulting in several layoffs.
Odds and Ends
- NetEase: A new CFO for the company has been named, and that name is Zhaoxuan Yang.
- League of Legends: Meet the game’s newest hero, Kayn the Shadow Reaper.
- Tibia: This ancient MMO continues to tease its summer update with this post about changes to the imbuement system.
- Hearthstone: The next expansion for the card game — rumored to be a Lich King-themed one — is set to be revealed on July 6th.
- ArcheAge: A new publisher for Taiwan has been named: Playwith Taiwan.
- Battleground Europe: The studio announced a new game manager and community manager this past week.
- Nexon: The mega-publisher pushed even further into southeast Asia with a new move.
TERA ups its weirdness quotient with flying bunnies:
Take a look at Elsword Online’s Hall of El update:
Find out what Astroneer’s content plan is going forward:
Give Gloria Vicitis’ latest music track a listen and see if you can’t imagine playing a game to this tune: