April Fools Day may be past, but its spirit lives on in Neverwinter! This past week’s small patch opened up a mini-dungeon for goofy explorers to enjoy. It sounds like this one is poultry in motion.
“Players level 40 and above may now queue for the Sewers Most Fowl in the Events category of the queue list. Peck and scratch your way to the center of a mysterious plot… but don’t get fried!”
And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have covered, drop us a tip)!
How does the casting cost of spells work in Dark Age of Camelot? Find out this and more in the most recent grab bag Q&A!
Bungie posted a short story that ties into Destiny 2’s Presage mission.
“We’re aware of the current issue with skin duplication affecting the market at the moment and have taken steps to combat the problem,” Z1 Battle Royale said. “The first, we’ve turned off skin trading. There is no ETA at this time to turn it back on as we investigate the issue and look at the overall fixes.” (Thanks to MMO Fallout for the tip!)
Prosperous Universe chatted a little bit about its mobile edition prospects.
Overwatch’s Archives event is running from now through April 27th. “Dive into story-driven co-op missions from pivotal moments in the past and earn loot, including skins inspired by historical outfits of war, along the way!”
World of Tanks naturally celebrated the 60th anniversary of manned spaceflight, as tanks are well-known to be orbital vehicles if they get a running start. Anyway, the game’s running a “To the stars!” event from now through April 12th.
Ragnarok Mobile is hosting a Zoom cosplay event in the Philippines on May 1st with prizes of more than $5,000.
Albion Online wants to remind you that “player and guild islands are eligible for a single free move until maintenance on April 17th.”
Shroud of the Avatar’s latest patch made some “big changes” including the temporary removal of ransom.
What’s Wild Terra 2 up to these days? The team said that it’s working on solo dungeons, dungeon difficulty levels, and reporting tools.
To celebrate MU Online’s upcoming speed server, the game is giving all players who log in a gift pack that includes a Gold Channel Ticket for 7 days, BloodAngel Box, and +9 Divine Archangel Weapon for 3 days.
Grab your small (smol?) patches like they’re hot: Realm of the Mad God, Osiris New Dawn, Starbase, and Vendetta Online!
Kinya tipped us that survival game SCUM released its Dead Water update with sharks and more reasons why going into the water is not a good idea:
Want a battle royale in the OLD WEST? Sure you do. And it’s here, thanks to Grit, which just started beta testing on Steam: