We’re taking a tour back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we launch into 2020 and a whole new decade of MMOs!
If October felt like a year packed into a month, November felt like a decade. We made it through BlizzCon’s Diablo IV and WoW Shadowlands and the studio’s bizarre non-pology; enjoyed the launches of LOTRO’s Minas Morgul, Red Dead Online for PC, and Guild Wars 2’s Whisper in the Dark; saw Blizzard’s finances continue to sink in spite of WoW Classic’s stellar performance; witnessed classic MMO Dark Age of Camelot finally go free-to-play; and cheered for the big reveals of Star Citizen’s CitizenCon and Path of Exile’s ExileCon. Plus, Book of Travels funded on Kickstarter and Pearl Abyss announced a bunch of new MMOs we’re hyped for! (Header pic cheerfully clipped from Jim Sterling’s take on the whole Blizzard thing, which you should definitely watch for a scathing recap.)
On a far more tragic note, in November we also mourned the loss of MMORPG developer Brad McQuaid, who passed away far too young while working on his third MMO, Pantheon.
Read on for the whole list from November of this past year!