The MOP Up: Enter the Phantom Halls — if you dare! (March 18, 2018)


The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some of it gets backlogged. That’s why there’s The MOP Up: a weekly compilation of smaller MMO stories and videos that you won’t want to miss. Seen any good MMO news? Hit us up through our tips line!

Maybe you’ll discover a new game in this space — or be reminded of an old favorite! This week we have stories and videos from Mu IgnitionLineage 2 RevolutionRevelation OnlineEarthfallLegacy of AtlantisDC UnchainedSoul ArkBattle CarnivalWorld of WarcraftOld School RuneScapeAionWar ThunderArtifactPokemon GoThe Black DeathAstroneerEVE OnlinePhantom HallsMU Online, and Heroes of Newerth, all waiting for you after the break!

New Games and Testing


  • Heroes of Newerth: Patch 4.4 is upon us with a new user interface and changes to matchmaking in Season 6. And what’s this? A leak of a new character design? [Thanks xKeiro!]
  • Aion: The European version has brought back elite levels and rewards for veterans.
  • Astroneer: Update 0.6.5 has gone live on Steam with a visual update to the rovers, the addition of a three-port splitter, and the ability to move base modules.
  • Pokemon Go: Legendary Pokémon Lugia has rejoined the ranks of raid battles as of March 16th.
  • War Thunder: The game’s Advancing Storm update is shifting the game to the Dagor 5.0 engine with improved graphics and sounds.
  • Lineage 2 Revolution: The Temporal Rift is about to open in this mobile MMO!
  • MU Ignition: Webzen’s browser MMO pushed out its second update that includes the imprint system, polish system, and mount skills. [Source: Press release]


Odds and Ends

  • Funcom: Happy 25th birthday to this MMO studio!
  • EVE Online: CCP is preparing another charity dinner event with $300 plates to help out the Icelandic Children’s Hospital.
  • Old School RuneScape: This month’s newsletter focus includes the upcoming Deadman Summer Seasonal, tournament world reward tweaks, and the game’s fifth birthday.
  • Revelation Online: Meet and get to know the Red Warden, one of the divine guardians of the game. He’s got guns.


Bring a flashlight and survive in the haunted house of Phantom Halls (especially with the help of Evil Dead’s Ash)! This early access game hopes to bring multiplayer in with the final release product and is currently running a Kickstarter campaign.

Get your squad co-op on with Earthfall, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC this spring:

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