Ever eye an adventurer or season pass in a shooter but feel too cheap to buy it? Reader Pasha tipped us off that the battle royale Ring of Elysium is giving out free Season 3 Adventurer Passes and Season 2 portraits to players who complete a number of challenges in the game.
This tropical-themed title came out last fall as a Steam early access title and enjoys a modest population (which has greatly fallen since its peak of 63.4k players last December).
And this is just the beginning of the rest of the news! Read on for a roundup of other smaller MMO news stories and videos from this past week in this edition of The MOP Up (and if you don’t see a news story that we should have covered, drop us a tip)!
DCUO is taking advantage of the new Shazam! movie release with a cross-promotional time capsule.
XLGAMES is recruiting talent for an unannounced project or two. What do you think the ArcheAge studio is up to?
The Purge 5: Conan Exiles is coming soon to an Xbox One server near you!
EverQuest’s 20th anniversary celebrations continue, this time with an interview with technical director Jennifer Chan. One quote: “I did not expect the players to be so… vocal? So impassioned about what I would normally consider pretty minute things. That’s something I definitely didn’t expect.” Thanks Yrys!
There’s a fun lore piece on Star Trek Online’s Discovery-era Mirror Universe ships.
Attend or make your own Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows pre-release party, Blizzard is cool with either.
Lots of stuff is being packed into PUBG’s next update, including more loot for Erangel, balance tweaks, the MP5K weapon, and more.
Over 1,200 players are testing Prosperous Universe every week and are making monstrous spreadsheets full of info about the space sim.
Identity is trying to iron out some of its more egregious bugs with the recent Town Square module.
Rappelz just launched Epic 9.6: The Siege of the Citadel and is giving out a number of bonuses to get players on track for it.
Lineage 2 Classic resurrected Prince Frinteza as part of its Secret of Empire update.
Updated character models and pretty blue skies are part of War of Rights’ most recent patch.
Wurm Online’s developer has a LOT to say about some recent movement issues that were addressed in this sandbox title.
Dash forward with Riders of Icarus’ Speedo Run event! “We are calling out greatest alliance to do our Hadakhan’s Underground Labyrinth stream challenge. Stream, showcase the new map and win in-game items,” the studio said.
The Simpsons did an episode about e-sports because there isn’t a pop culture tick that this show won’t pop. Also, is anyone still watching the Simpsons? I mean, seriously? I was like 12 when this show first came out and now I’m collecting social security.
Meet Khamira, one of the key characters coming in Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr.
The release trailer for Generation Zero is here, so you can check out what this co-op shooter is about:
SamuTale is teasing the addition of… livestock:
Sound the air raid sirens, because German bombers have taken to the skies in World of Warplanes: